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Re:Russian native speaker!
Hello Daria, I'm looking to work on my Russian maybe we could help each other out. I look forward to your response. I can also speak a bit of Spanish if you are interested as well.

Language pair: Russian; 
Nathaniel V.
August 31, 2014

# Msgs: 8
Latest: November 11, 2014
Re:Russian native speaker!
Hello Daria, I'm looking to work on my Russian maybe we could help each other out. I look forward to your response. I can also speak a bit of Spanish if you are interested as well.

Language pair: Russian; 
Nathaniel V.
August 31, 2014

# Msgs: 8
Latest: November 11, 2014
Re:Russian native speaker!
Hello Daria, I'm looking to work on my Russian maybe we could help each other out. I look forward to your response. I can also speak a bit of Spanish if you are interested as well.

Language pair: Russian; 
Nathaniel V.
August 31, 2014

# Msgs: 8
Latest: November 11, 2014
Re:Russian native speaker!
Hello Daria, I'm looking to work on my Russian maybe we could help each other out. I look forward to your response.

Language pair: Russian; 
Nathaniel V.
August 31, 2014

# Msgs: 8
Latest: November 11, 2014
Russian native speaker!
Hi, everybody!
My name is Daria. I am Russian student. I want to practise my English. Also I would like to learn French, German, Spanish, Italian. I'm very kind and sociable :)
Looking forward to your answer :)

Language pair: Russian; 
Daria K.
August 31, 2014

# Msgs: 8
Latest: November 11, 2014
who can teach me French?
I am Armenian,i know little French and English,i would like to improve them,i need someone helps me to improve that,thanks

Language pair: French; English
Liana A.
August 29, 2014

# Msgs: 1

HI Ruelas, I would like train my English with you.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Andy M.
August 18, 2014

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 18, 2014
Re:Re:Who can teach me French
hello my dear i will be very happy to learn you how to speak and write french just gave me detail about how we can meet Us ouside this web to make program to start


Language pair: French; English
michael z.
August 14, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: September 19, 2014
Wanted: English/Chinese Exchange in Shenzhen City (China)
I will introduce myself first. I am a 25-year-old lady. I am a patient and responsible person who treat teaching Chinese as an interesting task. Also, I had my Mandarin skill tested, so I can guarantee you that I do not have accent when I speak Chinese. In addition, I like to make friends with strangers, especially who come from other countries. Because I am interested in various point of views from people who are living in different conditions.

I need someone to help me with my writing. I quit my job and have studied English by myself for more than a year in order to achieve Band 7 score in each IELTS section. My test result now is L8 R7.5 W6 S7.5. Obviously, writing is my weak spot and need to be improved. Therefore, I need your help.

I hope we can help each other effectively and happily!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
August 11, 2014

# Msgs: 1

scambii di idee, CINESE e FRANCESE
Salve a tutti! Amo molto le lingue e vorrei tanto avere dei contatti con persone francesi (la mia lingua preferita); inoltre, vorrei imparare il cinese e mi piacerebbe iniziare a svambaire due parole con qualche ragazza/o cinese che sappia però anche l'italiano.

Language pair: French; Chinese, Mandarin
August 6, 2014

# Msgs: 7
Latest: September 19, 2014
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