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Re:Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
It looks like it will not continue in the way the were. It seems that Rafael was doing a lot of work and students were pulling in different directions. Though I'm informed that there's a wonderful StudySpanish site on the web. If you look for that, you should get lots of excellent help on your own, and you can always ask questions and practice what you are learning here.

Sorry about that.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
March 6, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
Okay, I did not understand the previous message, but I am wondering if the lessons are going to continue?

Language pair: Spanish; English
Amalia C.
March 5, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
¡Hola Rafael¡

Mucho gusto conocerle.

Buscó a la información que mencionó, pero, como yo, es usted muy prolífico, y no puedo revisar sobre tan muchas mensajes. Tal vez, si me puede dar un clave para una busca; por ejemplo, lo escribí yo mismo una mensaje, el número 45005, que al menos una persona he discubrió muy ayudante en el primer parrafo para tales cosas.

Muchas gracias por su servicio tan bondadoso!


Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
March 1, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Spanish Lessons
¡Hola, todos¡ ¿Cómo están?

What's going on with the Spanish lessons around here? It looks like they petered out over the Christmas holidays and never really got going again.

So what's available? Do we have any students, teachers, anyone keeping an eye peeled in this thread?

I was wondering if it was possible that this thread had petered out because there wasn't a way for new teachers/students to find it. I don't know who would think to look for it here in Internet technology, unless there was some way for someone who knew to find the people who would want to know.

If we get enough interest, perhaps some of the students would be willing to monitor the new members and looking for partners areas, and notify the spanish speaking members that this is going on. Perhaps if enough of us clamored for a special Spanish language board area, we might get one.

Well, if anyone is still here, let me know what you think.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mark S.
February 21, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Re:who uses AOL instant messenger?
I use AOL IM

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: English; French
Mark S.
February 21, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 21, 2005
Re:Skype - Talking by voice
Alo, Rodolfo,

I'm Mark Springer, and i've only just begun to start studying Portuguese. I can still count the number of words in my vocabulary without taking off my shoes.

But I have found, at least with written Portuguese, that my extensive practice of Spanish has been a lot more helpful then I thought it would be. And I've been looking for a Skype partner, just so I could learn how to use the technology, and make sure it works all right on my computer.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Even if I'm not yet ready to speak Portuguese on Skype, at least if you speak a little English, we can get the system up and running and I can help a little with your English until you find a more fitting partner.

Let me know what you think.

Best wishes,

Mark Springer

Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Mark S.
February 21, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Wonderful job!
Okay, now I just feel stupid. I meant to write the first one, but I thought I responded to the wrong message, thus the second post.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Amalia C.
February 3, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Re:Re:Wonderful job!
Lo siento! I replied to this one accidentally. Please pardon the mistake.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Amalia C.
February 2, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Re:Re:Wonderful job!
I would appreciate it, Rafael, if you continued your lesson. My Spanish teacher is on maternity leave, and our long-term substitute is dreadfully inadequate. I am in need of some intelligent instruction, but if you do not have the time, don't continue on my account. Gracias!


Language pair: Spanish; English
Amalia C.
February 2, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
Wonderful job!
You've done an outstanding job there Rafael! It's great to see people like you, who are always helping out with whatever they can. It is somehow difficult to find this kind of persons nowadays, so it really brings a smile to my face when I see this behaviour.

I'll be more than pleased to provide assistance with spanish to anyone who needs some tuition, or just has a simple, or perhaps not so simple question.

Unfortunately, because of work, my time is limited, so I won't be able to manage to write any structured lessons like yours.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Rod N.
January 21, 2005

# Msgs: 12
Latest: May 7, 2005
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