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Language > Chinese, Mandarin
Category > New Member

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Re:Standard Chinese graduate student wanna make friends with native English or French speakers!
Hi Steven, I love almost everything you like!!! I 'd love to do some language exchange together. I'm french-Australian and can do both languages. I'd love your help with my Mandarin.
Speak soon!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
March 17, 2019

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2019
你好,我的名字是Sofie我是法国 - 澳大利亚人。 如果你喜欢艺术,电影,阅读,攀岩,旅游和美食,请联系我! 我会帮助你学习法语或英语。

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; French
March 17, 2019

# Msgs: 1

How do I continue a Mandarin conversation?
I often get lost after greeting someone with the normal
你好 or
你好吗?I would love some tips on continuing Chinese conversations from a native speaker. Can you help me please? I would also love to help you learn more English! Thanks! (谢谢)

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
February 10, 2019

# Msgs: 1

Re:is it possible to make a long-term friend here
Hi...nice message...would enjoy to share a cup of wine with you..to speak about life and culture...will go to China in April, and do have an still an open agenda...we could speak French, Spanish or English..looking for the authentic Chinese's cultures..kisses from Phil.... gemophil

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Phil G.
February 2, 2019

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 2, 2019
is it possible to make a long-term friend here
Hello,everyone.I'm Eve,26 years old.I've been learnt English for many years.And I'm looking for a partner to practice with me,meanwhile,I can help you with your Chinese if you're interested.More importantly,I am curious if it's possible I can make a long-term friend here,we can talk over our daily life and regard each other as a real friend in life.So,don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know more about me or my language.lol

Language pair: English; Chinese, Mandarin
Eve Y.
January 30, 2019

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 2, 2019
Re:Friends/Pen Pals
Hi Newfriend,

I am a native Mandarin speaker and I am learning English. Would you like to learn with me? I am sure I can help with the Mandarin part. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Korean
eason l.
September 26, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 26, 2018
Friends/Pen Pals
Hi! I am looking for friends that need help in practicing English or just a good conversation.

I hope to chat with new friends soon.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; Korean
September 12, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 26, 2018
Re:Standard Chinese graduate student wanna make friends with native English or French speakers!
I am graduate student too.Nice to mmeet you.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Chriten 于.
August 7, 2018

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 17, 2019
learn English
My name is Christen. I'm 28 years old and I live in China Tianjin now.
I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English.
I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese in exchange.

Friends in Beijing or Tianjin can meet.
I also can teach lovely Northeastern Chinese.

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Chriten 于.
August 7, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:A Hi from China
hi l live in tianjin now

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English
Chriten 于.
August 7, 2018

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 7, 2018
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