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Language > Greek
Category > New Member

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English speaker looking for help with Greek
Hello everyone,

I am a native English speaker in America, and I am looking for a Greek speaker to help me learn to write/read/speak Greek. Thanks a lot to anyone who can help!

Language pair: English; Greek
November 6, 2011

# Msgs: 1

New Member
Hi, I am a new member and I want to practise Greek with a Greek native speaker.
Ãåéá óáò, åßìáé íÝïò ìÝëïò êáé èÝëù íá âåëôßùíù ôá ÅëëçíéêÜ ìïõ. Åßìáé áðü Áããëßá êáé ìðüñù íá óáò âïçèÞóù ìå ôá ÁããëéêÜ óáò.

Language pair: English; Greek
Joanna G.
October 10, 2011

# Msgs: 1

I wanna learn Swedish and i can gladly teach Greek
Hello there my name is michael and i really need to learn some swedish. i can offer greek in exchange ..Please someone mail me soon cause i am not gold member o whaterver

I am waitting for your mail guys
Thanks in advance ;)

By the way i am 16 years old but i guess its not immportant , nevermind ^^

Language pair: Swedish; Greek
Michael C.
August 22, 2011

# Msgs: 1

I really would like to learn German...

Language pair: Greek; German
August 3, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 3, 2011
Greetings! I am a new here. 18 male from Greece. Whoever wants to learn greek or german, just contact me :)

Language pair: Greek; German
July 25, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 3, 2011
Re:Like to learn Greek!!!
Hey, I could probably maybe possibly help! ..but I'm not a gold member.. :|

Language pair: Greek; English
Nikos T.
July 25, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 25, 2011
Like to learn Greek!!!
Hi Everyone! I would like to learn Greek and assist you with learning English!

Language pair: Greek; English
July 21, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 25, 2011
Hello all
I just joined the site and hope to find someone to practise Hungarian with. As well as get to know the culture and history, or anything you are willing to share. I do speak fluent English and Chinese, so feel free if you'd want to contact me =D

Language pair: Hungarian; Greek
julie j.
April 6, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Salve a tutti
Ciao sono un muovo iscritto,mi chiamo Gennaro,sono italiano,sono interessato al greco,chi mi puo aiutare????grazie a tutti

Language pair: Italian; Greek
genny m.
April 3, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Re:Would Love To Learn A New Language and I Can Teach You English!
Hi! My name is Svetlana! I am the bearer of the Russian language. I have been learning English. I am 27y.o.. I live in Ukraine. Offer you friendship!

Language pair: English; Greek
Svetlana S.
April 1, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 1, 2011
Total found: 158 !
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