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need an italian miss as a good friend
i'm a shy and gentle male who wants to lear italian language .this is bcos i beleive i'll be there in the next few years.pls any good italian miss can mail and send her email too.

Language pair: English; Italian
arophocles o.
November 27, 2007

# Msgs: 1

to Kristi
Dear Kristi, I am an Italian living in Australia dreaming to learn Spanish. After reading your msg in the bullettin board, i thought i might try to contact you, if you are still willing to learn more about Italian culture. I only moved to Australia recently, and I actually teach Italian on a part-time/casual basis. I wouldn't want you to lose interest in learning Italian & about its people because of one bad experience, so please do contact me if you have anything that needs to be cleared up. I'm not a gold member. Spero a presto, ciao Federica :-D

Language pair: Italian; English
November 27, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I need some help with my students!
Hi, I am a teacher of English language from Italy. I've been currently dealing with a school project involving the British school system, so I would like to get some information about the following things:

- A description of a typical secondary school lesson
- School books: how they are choosen and used during a lesson
- How school time is structured
- How vacation time is organized

If teachers or students from England can provide this kind of information, I would be really grateful.
I am looking forward to receiving an answer soon.

Language pair: English; Italian
September 27, 2007

# Msgs: 1

i need to learn italian...
Hi, i am from Puerto Rico in the Caribbean and i can help with spanish and english. I need to learn italian, i am not a gold member so you need to contact me or to my msn (mvdragonpr)

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
modesto v.
September 6, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hola gloria!

I´m nicole from germany and I´m 17 years old.
I´ve read your message and would like to talk with you in english and maybe sometimes in spanish. I can´t send you an message here because I´m not a gold member.
so when you are interested please give me a reply and we could exchange oure email adress.

Bye, Nicole.

Language pair: English; Italian
September 4, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 4, 2007
hola mi nombre es gloria soy de sur america y me encantaria practicar tanto el ingles como el español, si te interesa practicar tu español yo te puedo ayudar.

con cariño gloria

Language pair: English; Italian
gloria l.
September 3, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 4, 2007
Who wants to learn Russian ?
Hello, friends! My name's Natalia, I'm from Russia. Is there anybody to improve his Russian or just to begin studying it? I can talk with you about everything & would be grateful to you if you can help me to make my English or Italian better! I am 25 years of age, I'm an economist by education, fond of music, watching at falling stars & getting new impressions! I've got no gold membership, so, please, contact me!

Language pair: English; Italian
August 15, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Necesito saber si me podrían ayudar a aprender algo de Italiano (aunque sea lo báscio) no hablo nada, sólo español y un poquito de ingles, si es así podrían contactarme no soy miembro de oro :( Gracias de antemano

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Gabriel G.
May 19, 2007

# Msgs: 1

quisiera aprender italiano
hola!me gustaria aprender italiano.Si alguien me pudiera ayudar,que me mande un e-mail,por favor!!yo puedo ayudar con el español.
gracias por adelantado,ciao!!

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Ari n.
April 6, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hi, i'm quite old 47 and I want to improve my english and why not arabic. could try to teach you italian but i?m not a teacher.
anyway, claudiolanfra htmai

Language pair: Italian; English
abcd a.
December 29, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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