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Category > Study Abroad

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I want to improve my russian in exchange for english lessons
privet, menya zovyt becky. Ya zhivu CWA. Ya zhila v uzbekistane 3 myesita dva goda nazad. Poetomu, ya ponumayu mnogo russkii slov no ya ploxo govaryu!esli ti xochesh ychitsa angliiski yazik....ya s ydovolstviem pomogayu!

Language pair: English; Russian
July 23, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 19, 2013
Re:Re:Need help with English and can offer Russian
Good day, everyone!
I'm from Minsk. My native language is Russian, I want to improve my English and could help to everyone learn Russian.

Language pair: Russian; 
February 6, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 6, 2013
Hello. Please help me learn japanese. I can teach you russian.
Hello. My native language is russian. I want learn japanese, because I think to go studying in Japan. It will be very hard, so I need help. Please. If you want learn or practise your russian, I can help with that.
I'll wait for your answer.

Language pair: Russian; Japanese
January 26, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 4, 2014
Re:Study abroad in Kharkov
Kharkov isn't a russian city, there's many mixes of nationalities at East Ukraine for last years (for example, there's numbers of Georgia-Ukrainian families even since soviet times due valuable south immigration via sea ports in cities Odessa and in Kerch; most of south immigrants is moving to East Ukraine because West Ukraine reject them by menthality).

Jordan, you should go to Moscow for learning russian language properly or you should meet native russian peoples in other places (refugees, for example).

Language pair: Russian; 
April 23, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 23, 2012
Re:Study abroad in Kharkov
I'm going this summer as well for the first time (not to Ukraine, but to St.Peters during the White Nights festivals). From what my classmates who have gone have told me who have gone a few times, you can take Expert Russian here, and you will still look like an idiot when you talk. :)

The important thing I hear, is to try, even if you look like an idiot, it's better to look like an idiot in Russian, then flip out and start asking in English hoping someone will understand.

Of course, any practice you get here won't hurt, but you'll always have that awkwardness about it. :)

Language pair: English; Russian
Oscar B.
April 20, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 23, 2012
Study abroad in Kharkov
Hello anybody who cares. I'm Jordan. I'm going to be going to Ukraine soon for a study abroad and I want to improve my Russian. I'm hoping by the time I go in September I'll be able to talk with people and not look like an idiot. So if you could help with that it would be awesome. Also if you have studied abroad there before some tips for survival would also. So respond here or message me on my profile; whichever. Have fun.

Language pair: Russian; 
April 2, 2012

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 23, 2012
Re:veux étudier en France
salut Olga,
je parle couramment français et je veux bien t'aider à améliorer ton français, contrairement à toi, moi je pars bientôt finir mes études en Russie et je parle pratiquement pas du tout le russe, alors voilà si ça t'intéresse j'aimerais bien échanger nos connaissances linguistiques

Language pair: Russian; French
August 31, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2011
veux étudier en France
salut, tout le monde.
je veux bien améliorer mon français et anglais; l'année suivante je veux aller étudier en France s'il y a des gens qui ont tel experience - contactez-moi!
mille bizoux

Language pair: Russian; French
Olga T.
August 30, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2011
Re:looking for someone to live in my home to teach us your language
Hi. I'm from Russia. I work at school (subject english). But I have never been in English speaking country and my English is not good. But I want to learn English and teach my students better. I'm very happy that you believe in God,because I believe too. I hope we will be good friends.

Language pair: English; Russian
Ka e.
July 4, 2011

# Msgs: 5
Latest: July 7, 2012
Russian in Moscow for free! ;-)

I can teach you russian in Moscow in exchange for your english. ;)

And I can be your free guide in my mother city too. ;)

Language pair: Russian; English
April 13, 2011

# Msgs: 1

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