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Language > Icelandic
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Help learning icelandic.
Well, in two years my family is moving to eskifjorður (if thats how it is spelled) and I would like to learn a bit of icelandic before I get there. It would be nice to move somewhere and not look like a total idiot XD.

But anyway, thanks for the help if you can.

Language pair: Icelandic; Norwegian
Hreggviður ó.
February 13, 2008

# Msgs: 1

You are Icelandic and want to learn german?
Great!! :-))

I'm a 28 years old german girl and search people from iceland for email contact and learn this great language.

Please, contact me.
Thanx :-D

Language pair: German; Icelandic
January 24, 2008

# Msgs: 1


I go by DS. I just signed up here tonight, I'm interested in getting a basic grasp of Icelandic. At some point in my life, I may go there. I can try to help with English if someone needs it.


Language pair: English; Icelandic
December 21, 2007

# Msgs: 1

English speaker looking to learn Icelandic.
Hi, I'm new here and thought I'd see if I could find anyone willing to chat with me (any medium) before I got a membership. I plan on moving to Iceland sometime in the near future, and I don't speak very much Íslensku, so I'm looking for someone who has at least a basic grasp of English and good Icelandic. I speak excellent English so I can really help you polish it up to a high level, as long as you're willing to be patient with my rudimentary grasp of Icelandic.

Language pair: English; Icelandic
Michael W.
November 9, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 11, 2008
Is this a play on words- Flyzer Zerfly's???
I am not really sure if I am violating the rules here, as there are many- but I'd like to learn Icelandic before I travel there. I speak the American form of English, and would like to communicate with an over 20 (years of age) Icelandic speaker who understands English predominantly well. I am giving this outlet a try before I commit to a membership. Let me know, thanks! =)

Language pair: English; Icelandic
November 7, 2007

# Msgs: 1

hi, im from the U.S. and can speak english and some spanish and im looking to learn Icelandic! Im not a gold member so you'll have to message me.

Language pair: English; Icelandic
Anthony D.
August 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:I hope, i get some email.
Hi chris. Im laura and from the united states. I was wondering if you would teach me german. I really want to learn. Thanks.

Language pair: Icelandic; Italian
June 9, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 9, 2007
Hola soy Diego, desde España buscando intercambio de Islandés

me llamo Diego y os escribo, hoy, desde Madrid. Tengo 36 años y me gustaría empezar con el idioma Islandés. Sé que es complicado, pero me agradaría conocerlo, por lo menos para pedir un poco de pescado y una cerveza en Reykjavík :).
Tengo nociones de sueco pero no creo que se parezca demasiado, no??. Hablo un poco de inglés y tengo nociones de portugués.

Puss och kram

Language pair: Spanish; Icelandic
Rod D.
May 7, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Je suis un nouveau membre, du Canada, qui veut apprendre l'Islandais. Je suis bonne en englais et en francais.
I'm a new member, from Canada, wanting to learn Icelandic. I am fluent in French and English.

Language pair: French; Icelandic
Oriane L.
May 6, 2007

# Msgs: 1

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