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Language > Korean
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Re:Language partner in Korea
Hey hey, I need to learn Korean too, please help? :D

Language pair: English; Korean
Jaden N.
July 18, 2013

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 18, 2013
Re:Language partner in Korea
Hi ~ i'm korean
Nice to meet you :)

Language pair: English; Korean
Seung hee B.
July 11, 2013

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 18, 2013
Re:Seeking Langauge exchange partner
i am living in changwon too.
i want to make a freind teaching me english.
i can teach you koean.
do you want to be my freind? :)

Language pair: Korean; English
July 8, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 8, 2013
Language partner in Korea
Heelo! I'm in Korea and I'm looking for someone to teach me Korean. I can teach you English in exchange. Looking forward for an interesting conversation.

Language pair: English; Korean
July 8, 2013

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 18, 2013
Hi there! Native English speaker looking for Native Korean speaking partner! ^_^
Hi there! My name is Monica and I'm 24 (25 next month! w00t!) and I'm very much in love with Korean culture. I've been trying to learn the language on and off for the past year and have only made minimal progress. I live in the US, a very small town actually, though I am close to Chicago, IL. I don't mind where you're from, I would just like someone to help me out ^_^. I'm no teacher myself by any means at all but I will help you with your English the best I can!

If anyone is interested let me know! ^_^

Language pair: English; Korean
June 17, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Native Korean or English speakers who want to learn Spanish
Hi i'm won and 24 years old, native korean
but nowadays i've been in Bristol, England for studying english

if u hav interest in me, feel free to contact to me :)

Language pair: Spanish; Korean
Seungwon L.
June 13, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 13, 2013
Re:Hi from a new member in England.
hi really impressed by ur paragraphs and i'd like to learn or talking with u
i came to bristol for studying english just 3 months ago
so i'm still afraid of talk in english

i just want to improve my skill and confidence
if i can learn from u, it would be really nice opportunity and i also can teach u
my culture and language even food

Language pair: Korean; English
Seungwon L.
June 13, 2013

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 15, 2013
Native Korean or English speakers who want to learn Spanish
Hi! Nice to meet you!

My name is Maite. I´m 26 years old and I´m an university student.I´m from Valencia (Spain).
I´m interested in Korean and English. So, if you´re a native speaker of Korean or English and you want to learn Spanish, let´s be language exchange partners! I would like to help you to improve your Spanish ;).
I love make friends and to share new experiences with us.

Take care!

Language pair: Spanish; Korean
Maite O.
June 10, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 13, 2013
ENGLISH TUTOR: 한국인들을 전문적으로 가르쳐 온 실력있는 캐네디언 튜터 입니다~ (TESL 소지한 전문튜터)
한국인 고등학생부터 40대 50대 아저씨 아주머니들 까지 한국인들을 전문적으로 가르쳐 온 UBC에 다니고 있는 현지 대학생 캐네디언입니다. (TESL 자격증 소지하고 있으며 석사 과정으로 TESL instructor 지원 예정)
약 2년 가까이 한국인 대입준비생들의 토플을 가르친 적이 있고 1:1 튜터 경험만 약 3년 가까이 될 만큼 실력은 정말 좋은 선생님입니다. 토플 뿐만아니라 아이엘츠 부터
토익, 각종 스피킹 시험까지 학생들이 원하는대로 맞춤 수업도 가능하고 한국문화와 사람들을 정말 좋아해서 친해지기도 쉽고 편하게 다가 갈 수 있어서 저 같이 부끄러움 많은 사람도 첫 날 부터 정말 친해 졌었습니다. ^^
한국사람들을 전문적으로 가르쳐 왔다 보니 한국인 영어를 누구 보다 잘 알고 있어서 영어 향상에 많은 도움이 될겁니다.
저는 학원도 누구보다 오래 다녀봤고 튜터도 해봤는데 아무래도 1:1 튜터를 했을때 정말 실력이 많이 늘었던 것 같네요.

튜터비는 $18/h
$25/1.5 입니다.
30분 트라이얼 가능합니다.

아래는 튜터 선생님 소개 입니다.

Have extensive experience in:

1-to-1 Tutor
 Teach international students ranging from 17-30 all four areas of language acquisition: Reading, writing, speaking and listening..
 Preparation for TOEFL /TOEIC/IELTS/TEPS exams
 Assistance with essay writing and preparation of CVs and other documents
 Pronunciation and accent reduction, and grasping different idioms/phrasal verbs/slang.

ESL Teacher Abroad

 Taught Korean youth ranging from 12-19, English as a second language.
 Extensive experience preparing my own curriculum, homework, testing materials, and conversation activities.
 Challenged students with developing academic proficiency and acquiring/furthering their literacy.
 Built a strong bond with the students which allowed further development in their English skills.
 Wrote detailed monthly reports on student's grades, progress, and additional improvements to be made for the
upcoming month.

About me:

I am 24 year old female, with a university background, and have a true passion in becoming a TESL instructor, that's why I have decided to apply for my masters in TESL

$25 for 1.5hr

If you are interested in more information, don't hesitate to contact me by email or message. Hope to hear from you soon.


Language pair: English; Korean
Nina R.
June 3, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for Korean Exchange
Are you still looking for Korean language partner? then, send me a message. :)

Language pair: English; Korean
Seungbeom R.
May 31, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 31, 2013
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