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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Beginner learning Italian, can help with English
I really am a beginner at learning Italian, I am not being modest, haha

I like sport,skiing, running, gym, reading lots of books, music, humour, laughing, mainly at myself.

So if you have a lot of patience and are interested in improving your English, please get in touch.

A presto

Language pair: Italian; 
Jane S.
May 2, 2010

# Msgs: 1

italian for english
hi everybody! I'm an italian lady living now in New York. I'd like to be more fluent in English, i can help you with italian language, art, culture...

Language pair: Italian; English
margherita g.
April 27, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 6, 2010
Looking to Improve Italian.
I'm looking to improve my Italian, so I need to find someone who knows Italian very well (preferably someone from Umbria, since I have family there).

Language pair: English; Italian
April 25, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Italian conversation skills
Ciao! I need help with italian conversation skills. Please reply to initiate an actual italian conversation!

Language pair: English; Italian
Aaron P.
April 20, 2010

# Msgs: 1

hello from italy !
Hi! i'm an italian girl from the south-italy, i'm seeking for someone who could help me in english and in french. i like also japanese culture so i'm interested in learning japanese

Language pair: Italian; English
Martina C.
April 7, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 10, 2010
Re:Re:I seek a partner to learn English
I would be interested in a group to learn Italian too if others are.

I have some basic Italian and can understand more than I can speak. I would be interested in learning more and would happily help people with their English in the process.


Language pair: Italian; English
April 6, 2010

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 6, 2010
Re:English for Italian partner exchange
Hi Abbie, I'm Barbara and i can help you with your italian..but also I am not a gold member: how can we stay in touch?

Language pair: English; Italian
April 3, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Howdy Tina
Ciao Tina

Thanks for sending me the Hi message. Ti ringrazio tanto. I am in Zagreb, Croatia and hoping to learn Hrvatski a bit better. Sad znam samo malo, ali mozes da mi nadis na vruceposta kod ime sto vidis ovdje.

Please let me know what your schedule looks like.

Hello everyone. I'm a girl from Croatia who has recently started to learn Italian (and forgot German about everything I've learned), so I'd like to practise those two languages. I can help in Croatian, and maybe in basic English too.
Looking forward to meet new people.

Language pair: English; Italian
James. W.
April 2, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Re:I seek a partner to learn English
If a group is forming to learn italian/english please let me know... I speak english and want to learn italian


grazie mille...

Language pair: Italian; English
Giovanni C.
March 21, 2010

# Msgs: 4
Latest: April 6, 2010
19 Male looking to learn Italian, Canada.
Im goin to be travelling through Italy this summer and I would like someone fluent in Italian, to teach me some. Preferably a girl
Or an Italian PenPal

Language pair: English; Italian
Skyler C.
March 18, 2010

# Msgs: 1

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