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Language > English
Category > Films/Movies

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Hola Mi nombre es Fernando mis hobbies son el teatro, el canto coral, y el cine quiero contactar personas para conocer nuevas culturas.

Language pair: Italian; English
Fernando R.
November 12, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Looking for help
Hi! I'm Ruby! I want to learn Uzbek language in a faster way, but I don't know where do I start. Just hope someone would kindly help me. By the way,I can speak Chinese and Uyghur languages quite well, I can help in return.

Language pair: English; Uyghur (Wighor)
November 2, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:A Film!
je suis entièrement d'accord les livres valent 100 fois les fims.
dans le film le prince de sang mélé, un indice important pour la suite a été changé: le livre est caché par hp derière un buste avec une perruque et la couronne de hedga (horcrux).

Language pair: French; English
October 28, 2009

# Msgs: 8
Latest: October 28, 2009
Bizarre movie and Clasic Horror Movies
Hi i would like to know about bizarre movies -specially low budget-and horror movies from all over the world, maybe someone can tell me a title, a web o else, kisses for all!!

Hola quisiera conocer películas bizarras, de bajo presupuesto y clásicas de todo el mundo, quizás alguien me pueda dar un dato, una web,o cualquier cosa,BesOsss!!!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Tamara M.
October 23, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Posso con ti scrivere ma non parlo molto italiano!
Sono una adolescente (15)
Comincio italiano l'anno scorso.

Language pair: French; English
Guillemette A.
October 17, 2009

# Msgs: 10
Latest: March 9, 2011
Want to learn English or Urdu ??
Hello Every one !

I am here to help any one who wants to learn URDU my native language and ENGLISH as well.

I well come any one plz add me on msn.
My id on msn is kam_nam1....... all remain the same.

I appreciate ur text as well as ur live chat.


Language pair: Urdu; English
October 12, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 18, 2010
i will only ever watch anime movies but my favroute is spirited away :)

Language pair: English; Japanese
lucy ..
October 6, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:learning English
hello! learning french, i wrote on the small papers the word of everything (well,the most imprtant and useful for me) around me,at home ("salle de bain" on bathroom's door, "lit" sur my bed, etc)
for learning vocabulary like apple, lemon, sugar... i had gone to the market et looked at same time apples,lemoNs, etc
god lucke!

Language pair: English; Arabic, Middle Eastern
October 1, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 1, 2009
learning English
How can I memorise vocabulary faster.

Language pair: English; Arabic, Middle Eastern
sakatawy s.
September 29, 2009

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 1, 2009
into the wild
hey i saw the movie "into the wild" its a very good movie its relly interesting i love how the main character 'Chris' goes about things you should really watch it =]

Language pair: English; 
September 16, 2009

# Msgs: 1

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