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Language > Portuguese
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Want to find someone who can teach me Portuguese
Hi Pablo, I can try and help you, if you want, just contact me.. cya!!

Language pair: English; Portuguese
August 9, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 9, 2008
Re:Looking for Someone to help me With Portuguese
hi Nicole, i`d be very glad to help, but I`m not gold either.. =/ cya

Language pair: English; Portuguese
August 9, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:I'd like to learn Portuguese!
Hey, I`d like to help, and I sure need to improve my english, but I`m not a gold member either :( if we can find a way to contact each other:) .. have a nice day

Language pair: Portuguese; 
August 9, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Português - Espanhol
Olá Álvaro, sou brasileiro, e estou disposto a ajudar no que for preciso, ainda mais q nossas línguas tem mt coisa em comum. ^^\

abraços... hasta..

Language pair: Portuguese; Spanish
August 9, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 18, 2008
Re:Re:Want to find someone who can teach me Portuguese
Hi Juan Pablo Aguilar,
I don't speak Portuguese yet, but I learned Spanish in Ecuador, so I had to say 'hello' to you. Como asi que esta viviendo en Brazil? Que lindo. Yo estudie 3 semetres de Portugues aqui in los EEUU, pero todavia no me atrevo a hablarlo. Lo entiendo. Es asi para Ud. tambien? El espanol del Ecuador es muy bueno. La gente de habla espanol nos entienden en todas partes. Felicitaciones por haber llegado tan lejos a brazil! Me nombre aqui es "Diana z", pero es tan complicado este sitio que no se si nunce le encuentro otra vez. Y no soy gold member, pues no tengo muchas opciones. Chao,
Diana z

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Diana z.
August 3, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: August 9, 2008
English speaking partner Needs Brazilian Portuguese for Practise, I speak/read/write english fluently.
My name is Greg and I am looking Brazilian who needs help with English. I am new to Portuguese and can help you with English.

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Greg H.
July 28, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 9, 2008
Re:Portuguese X English Exchange
Hi Angie,

I can help you , I need improve my English too.

I´m a brazilian guy and I'd love to help you.



I´m not a gold member! :(

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Hamilton V.
July 14, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 14, 2008
Re:English/Portuguese mix seeking Portguese penpal
Hi Daniela,

I can help you with Portuguese, since I´m brazilian.
I´m not a gold member, so I can talk to you only here!



Language pair: English; Portuguese
Hamilton V.
July 14, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 14, 2008
Re:Quero falar com os lusofonos
Hi Julia,

By your message, you write very well the Portuguese.
Where did you learn?

I´m a brazilian and I need improve my English and French too.

Could we exchange?



I'm not a gold member!

Language pair: Portuguese; Portuguese
Hamilton V.
July 14, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 14, 2008
Je peut enseinger le Portugais et je veut amelliorer mon Français
Je suis brésilien et je peut enseigner le Portugais.
Je veut aussi amelliorer mon Français, car j'ai envie d'habiter en France ou Canada.

À bientôt!


Language pair: Portuguese; French
Hamilton V.
July 14, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 8, 2009
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