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Language > Spanish
Category > Vacations/Travels

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Going to Greece,
Hey people!

I love to travel and next week I´m going to Greece..to the poloponessos! Does any one know some adresses of youth hostels in Olympia, Mycene, Sparta and Corinthe..do I have to make a reservation?

Next question: Who´s got a nice idea to do this summer, a little culture, sea, history, language and party would be great..who wants to join me to maybe Spain, Croatia,?

Language pair: Dutch; Spanish
April 4, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Dia de los muertos
What I'd like to know is-- When people from Mexico (and other countries?) celebrate Dia de los muertos, and put beer and food on the graves of deceased loved ones ... Do they come back the following morning to pick it up? What happens to all the stuff? And do little kids really think that the spirits of the dead come back to eat the food (reminds me of Santa with the milk and cookies) ?

Call me curious..

Language pair: English; Spanish
December 4, 2002

# Msgs: 1

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