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Language > Polish
Category > Jokes

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can anybody help me to improve my english speaking skills?
im polish native speaker, and im looking for english native speaker who would like to help me in english. i would help in polish of course. ;)

Language pair: Polish; English
November 8, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 13, 2007
want to learn polish because whole family is polish
want to learn polish because of my family and chinese because of my uncle

Language pair: Polish; Chinese, Cantonese
shayne b.
August 18, 2007

# Msgs: 1

The exchange - Wymiana
I for willing to the exchange : my Polish Your English, German, French, Italian. I am the educator.
S k y p e: Ewdogia

Language pair: Polish; 
March 23, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Siedzi baca w chacie. Puka ktos do drzwi: Potrzebujecie drewna? Nie! krzyczy baca. Na drugi dzien baca wychodzi i patrzy: Nie ma drewna!

Language pair: Polish; 
Dominik S.
July 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Please help me...
Im looking for people, who can teach me Farsi.I can teach you German or Polish.I speak English a little too.I will wait for your answear.I like get to know people from all over the world! Greetings for all! Iwona

Language pair: Polish; German
Iwona O.
May 15, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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