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Language > Urdu
Category > Seeking Partners

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seeking partner for english speaking.
hi guys I am Sana, need a English speaking partner,, who can help me to improve my speaking power,, in return I can teach Urdu if someone is interested.. thank u

Language pair: Urdu; English
sana k.
October 3, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Looking for a Turkish speaking partner

This is Aleem from karachi, Pakistan. My native language is Urdu, which i can exchange in return with a turkish speaking partner. Anyone?

Language pair: Urdu; English
A Aleem Q F.
September 16, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Need a Partner who speaks Urdu and Pashto and who wants help with English
hi ,i'm a persian speaker from iran,i like to improve my English,of course i can help u to learn Farsi!Fatima

Language pair: Urdu; Pushto (Pashto)
fatima A.
July 24, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2013
Need a Partner who speaks Urdu and Pashto and who wants help with English

I am teaching myself Urdu (I only know a little) and speak Pashto well. I would like a partner who speaks these languages and wants to practice their English.

Gul Makay

Language pair: Urdu; Pushto (Pashto)
Gulmakay Z.
July 2, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2013
Need a Partner who speaks Urdu and Pashto and who wants help with English

I am teaching myself Urdu (I only know a little) and speak Pashto well. I would like a partner who speaks these languages and wants to practice their English.

Gul Makay

Language pair: Urdu; Pushto (Pashto)
Gulmakay Z.
July 2, 2013

# Msgs: 1

I can Teach Urud, Punjab, Arabic
Hi friends, Urdu & Punjabi are my native languages, and I am sure that I can friendly teach the above said languages along with Arabic.Oh yes I have also M.A degree in URDU language. If some one like to learn these languages please contact me without any hesitation.Good Luck

Language pair: Urdu; Punjabi
flower h.
May 26, 2013

# Msgs: 1

I want to language exchange partner for English
My native language is Urdu. I want to improve my english anyone who help me to improve my english in exchange I can teach URDU speaking.

Language pair: Urdu; English
javed g.
May 18, 2013

# Msgs: 1

My German/ English for your Urdu

I am looking for someone to teach me Urdu. In return I am happy to share my German and/or English. I am currently located in Hamm, NRW and am happy to drive a bit to see you. Voice chat is also possible, of course.

Please get in touch.

Language pair: Urdu; German
Stephanie s.
January 16, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2014
Looking to learn Urdu!
I'm really keen on brushing up my Urdu, so anyone out there please help. I can help with English if anyone is looking for help.

Language pair: Urdu; Spanish
Ummi K.
January 10, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 20, 2014
I Can teach you TAMIL!!
I want to learn urdu & arabic.I know english and Tamil

Language pair: Urdu; Arabic, Middle Eastern
September 17, 2012

# Msgs: 1

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