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Language > Spanish
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hi athlectic
I hope you are good, I'm kelly I want to speak fluidly and quickly english. I can teach to you spanish. please contact me when you could.

Language pair: English; Spanish
kelly p.
April 5, 2005

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 5, 2005
hi athlectic
I hope you are good, I'm kelly I want to speak fluidly and quickly english. I can teach to you spanish. please contact me when you could.

Language pair: English; Spanish
kelly p.
April 5, 2005

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 5, 2005
hi athlectic
I hope you are good, I'm kelly I want to speak fluidly and quickly english. I can teach to you spanish. please contact me when you could.

Language pair: English; Spanish
kelly p.
April 5, 2005

# Msgs: 6
Latest: April 5, 2005
Re:Re:Busco a una amistad hispano-alemana para mejorar mi español
ola yo te puedo ayudar con tu espanol porque soy profesor. Me gustaria que me ensenes con aleman .

saludos xavier

Language pair: German; Spanish
xavier e.
March 24, 2005

# Msgs: 1

attn: Roxy: Re:Not fair?
Hi Roxy,

Thank you for your very honest post. I have responded to your message over in the Bulletin Board called Seeking Partners—towards the bottom of the list of Bulletin Board Categories, the middle one under the the section called “language Partners.” Because many people share your concerns, I posted my answer to you there where people looking for people to practice with are more likley to look for this kind of information. See you on the “Seeking Partners” Board!

Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA, USA

Language pair: English; Spanish
Mark S.
March 4, 2005

# Msgs: 1

For Lisa A
Hi Lisa, I am Hasmik. As far as I know you need to learn Armenian. I wonder if you want to learn the basics, or to improve it.

Language pair: Armenian; Spanish
February 16, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:Scottish woman wishing to learn more Spanish prepositions
hola ,soy un estudiante español, estoy interesado en aprender ingles, y tu anuncio me ayudara.por favor contacta conmigo

Language pair: Spanish; English
alberto r.
January 23, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 23, 2005
Scottish woman wishing to learn more Spanish prepositions
Hi! I'm learning Spanish and would be glad to help anyone from Spain learn more English. Thanks!!

Language pair: Spanish; All
January 20, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 23, 2005
Re:Re:To ALL those who would love to learn ENGLISH/ BENGALI in exchange for RUSSIAN/SPANISH.....WELCOME!!!

Thanks for your response dt.04Dec2004.
Yes,I'm living now in Calcutta(now called KOLKATA),INDIA. I was born a Bengalee.Please see my profile for details
Kindly see my HANGMAN GAMES in Bengali.
I'm keen to learn spanish and improve my Russian.
NOS MANTENMOS EN CONTACTO(=AmrA jogAjog rAkhbo)in Bengali
Happy NEW YEAR!!
(note: pronounce 'A' as in father)

Language pair: English; Spanish
Nirmal K.
January 6, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:need to speak fluently in english..
Hi, I can help you practice your English skills, just leave a message and we can stay in contact. Look me up, Thanks

Language pair: Spanish; English
Ailenna D.
January 2, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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