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Category > New Member

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Nauka angielskiego
Cześć, szukam osoby która pomoże mi w nauce angielskiego w zamian za naukę języka polskiego. Wyślij mi wiadomość lub znajdź mnie na mediach społecznościowych!

Language pair: English; Polish
Justyna N.
June 13, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Hallo ihr lieben :)
Mein Name ist Jana, ich bin 29 Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland. Ich suche auf diesem Wege Menschen zum plaudern auf Englisch. Ich möchte mein Englisch verbessern und ihr könnt mir dabei helfen :) liebe Grüße Jana

Language pair: German; English
June 11, 2018

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 15, 2018
Re:Hello from Russia!
Hello Hannah

I am a native English speaker and am happy to help you with your English. However, I don’t speak a word of Russian.

Did you use a translator to write your message? English is a difficult language to learn so if you wrote the message yourself then I congratulate you on a good effort. If you used a translator, perhaps use a different one next time. This is what I believe that you meant to write in your original post.

Hello! My name is Hannah. I am 20 years old. I am from Siberia. I speak Russian well but I have trouble with English. I don’t know much English so I would like to learn to read, write and speak it more fluently.
Unfortunately, I'm not a gold member but I would like to become one.

I hope that the changes make sense to you. The word “but” is a conjunction and, while you may encounter it at the beginning of a sentence in spoken language, it never should be placed at the beginning of a written sentence.

I am not sure what you were trying to communicate with your final sentence so I have omitted it.

Have a wonderful day!

Best wishes,


Language pair: Russian; English
June 10, 2018

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 19, 2018
New and need help learning French please contact :)

Language pair: English; French
June 10, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Looking for friends who enjoy language exchange!

Language pair: English; Japanese
Nikhil Y.
June 8, 2018

# Msgs: 5
Latest: June 8, 2018
A TV series fan here:)
Hi! I study English and I love watching TV series like Sherlock, The Big Bang Theory, Lucifer, Breaking Bad and so on. I think it's one of the best ways to improve your target language, do you agree? And I'm sure that it would be even more effective if we could discuss an episode in English. That would be both amusing and useful!

I'm a native Russian speaker so I'd be happy to help you with it:)
Feel free to contact me!

Language pair: English; 
Zaira M.
June 7, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Hallo! I'm new and looking for practice!
Good day! I just found this website and I am hoping to get a lot of practice in the language I am learning, Dutch.

I've had a dream for a long time to be bilingual, but I need a lot of help with it. I am currently using a couple different sources to learn, but the best way to practice is exposure. I'm still learning a lot of vocabulary and how to use it in a grammar sense, so I am extremely new at the language.

Feel free to reach out or share any language learning tips to me.. Just talking or chatting about how to learn a language, even if it isn't Dutch, is super helpful! I am also just looking for friends or penpals! I'd love to meet someone else with similar goals.

Unfortunately the only language I know is English, so that's the only language I can offer assistance in if anyone wants to practice.

Feel free to reach out to me to say hi!

Language pair: English; 
May 30, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Korean language
Hi there.

I am currently learn Korean and i am having difficulty identifying honorifics. I use duolingo, the app is somewhat useful but it fails to put words and phrases to good use. I spent 20 minutes repeating the words Boy,Girl,food, Man and woman and it was a complete waste. I would like to be able to greet my friends parents in korean and i cant use the same greeting words i use to greet my friend. In short, can someone send me a list of words i can use when addressing someone older than me, and a list of words i can when talking to a friend or someone of the same age.



Language pair: English; Korean
May 29, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Looking for friends who enjoy language exchange!
I found your messege on bulletin board.
If you can permit me to look at my profile,please responce the message.
I'm afraid,I'm learning English.
Also,I want to consider this point.
I'm looking foward to hearing from you.

yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

Language pair: English; Japanese
May 27, 2018

# Msgs: 5
Latest: June 8, 2018
hello dear friends
I am a newbie in here and I want to go further in English. If you think you could help me,dont hesitate to contact.

Language pair: Turkish; English
tugce u.
May 27, 2018

# Msgs: 1

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