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Looking for friends from UK and Ireland
Hi, I'm Sandra, I'm new here.

I'm from Spain. I'm looking for British/Irish people who would like to make new friends. I would like to practice written and spoken English, and also make friends to go visit England soon. I can help you with Spanish or welcome you to Spain if you want to in exchange :)

Language pair: English; Spanish
May 13, 2018

# Msgs: 1

korean language.
Hello! My name is Kate and I am learning Korean. And I would like to make a friend to help me learn and also talk to them when my korean gets good. I like travel and learning new things! I am also a big fan of BTS that is why I am learning Korean because I want to understand them and their lyrics! Feel free to message me!

Language pair: English; Korean
kate s.
May 12, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Looking for Norwegians
Hey everyone,
I'm Gabriel, I'm 17 years old and I'm currently learning Norwegian, since I lived in Norway during several weeks. I fell in love with the country and I finally decided to learn Norwegian (bokmål) in January.
Then you can guess I'm looking for either natives or learners of any age willing to write/talk with me, and I can help you with French in return.
I'll briefly introduce myself. I'm fond of culture in general, whether it is books, cinema or music. I'm also musician, I play the guitar, the piano and so on... In addition to that I also like talking about society, politics and sciences. In brief I'm open-minded and I can talk about anything! So don't be shy, I want to talk!

Have a nice day

Language pair: Norwegian; English
May 11, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Nice to meet you, I speak fluent English but live in Indonesia. I am interested in Japanese culture and hopefully can become fluent.

Language pair: Japanese; English
Deandra D.
May 8, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Hello there! I'm hoping to find someone to help me along in my journey to learn Japanese. I've only learned Hiragana so far (although I am refreshing my memory with it currently) but I'm sure practice and questions would be good! Plus, I'd enjoy learning more about the culture. In exchange, I would be happy to help you with your English! :)

Language pair: English; Japanese
Stephanie W.
May 7, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Introducing myself
Hi! I am from Germany and I would love to help you with your German! And I would like to learn a bit about your culture. We could team up!

Language pair: English; German
May 4, 2018

# Msgs: 3
Latest: June 15, 2018
Hi guys~ I need a friend who can help each other!
Hello. I'm Kyung min Choi. My friends call me Cham(챔).
The reason why i joined is to learn English. and i want to meet new friends and learn your culture, behavior, passion and so on. However, I have one big problem. My English level is poor.
So i want to help each other and develop our language skills together!!
Thank you very much ^_^

Language pair: English; Korean
Kyung min C.
May 4, 2018

# Msgs: 1

Re:Need help practicing Spanish
Hola, yo hablo español y quisiera aprender ingles.. te interesa un intercambio linguistico?

Language pair: Spanish; English
Favian F.
May 2, 2018

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 22, 2018
Need help practicing Spanish
Hola, I am a native English and Hindi speaker and need someone to help me with my Spanish, which is extremely poor. In exchange, I can teach you English, Hindi and a couple of other languages.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Amyra D.
May 1, 2018

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 22, 2018
Buenos Dias! Looking for someone to chat about Native Traditions in Mexico
Hola! My name is Michelina (but you can call me Misha) and I am a college student in California looking to learn more about religious and spiritual practices in Mexico that are rooted in Native Traditions. I am especially fascinated by the Aztec/Catholocism mergings and the fact that there are numerous people who still speak Nahuatl. I love the Nahuatl language and would love to learn that too! But Spanish must come first since all the literature I'm finding on the subject is in Spanish.
I'm here to hopefully connect with a couple of people to exchange ideas and strengthen our respective languages. I would love to help someone learn English (especially since so much of it is backwards compared to other languages!) and I would love to have some help with Spanish.
I can definitely READ better than I speak and I speak better than I write. Technically, I'm elementary Spanish, but my goal for 2018 is to be fluently conversational! Will you help me with my goal?
Hola! Mi nombre es Michelina (pero puedes llamarme Mischa!). Soy un estudiante universitario que investiga la religión nativa en México! Estoy fascinado por la fusión azteca / católica de la religión que existe hoy en día.

Estoy aquí para conectarme con un par de personas para intercambiar ideas y fortalecer nuestros respectivos idiomas. Me encantaría ayudar a alguien a aprender inglés (¡especialmente porque gran parte de esto es al revés en comparación con otros idiomas!) Y me encantaría tener algo de ayuda con el español.

Definitivamente, puedo LEER mejor de lo que hablo y hablo mejor de lo que escribo. Técnicamente, soy español de primaria, pero mi objetivo para 2018 es ser fluidamente conversacional. ¿Me ayudarás con mi objetivo?

Perdóname si el español aquí es malo. Utilicé Google para ayudar.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Michelina D.
April 26, 2018

# Msgs: 1

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