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Language > - Other -
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hello i´m mike I want to learn italian and I can help you with spanish if you want please contact me at my email or by my profile.

Language pair: English; - Other -
Miguel C.
October 7, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 20, 2008
Hello Emily,
if you want learn Italian I will very happy to help you, I'm Italian, and I could improve my english!! Ciao!!

Language pair: English; - Other -
October 6, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 20, 2008
I am looking to learn several languages. I am a regular member. So you should contact me. :]



What's the opposite of the Christsopher Reeves;

Christopher Walken.

Language pair: English; - Other -
Emily N.
October 4, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: October 20, 2008
Hi there
Hi there, I am a college student now majoring in English. Second majoy German. I have studied German for two years now and would like to have a language exchange partner who is either a German native speaker or can speak German very fluently. I am open-minded.If you are seriously language exchanger,Contact me please.

Language pair: - Other -; 
October 2, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 12, 2008
Bonjour, je parle français et je cherche des anglais ( Pour discuter) et pour me faire progresser dans cette langue.

Language pair: French; - Other -
Alice L.
September 6, 2008

# Msgs: 6
Latest: September 28, 2008
hi , I am unworn user...I think...But I need helping , I want which anyone me ensign punjabi and do you speak Spanish , or never mind in English but he will have which utilize the translator jejeje xD thanks

Language pair: Spanish; - Other -
Vivian H.
August 19, 2008

# Msgs: 1

can you help me
can anyone help me learn Hungarian?

Language pair: - Other -; - Other -
August 10, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 15, 2008
Re:Re:Love to learn different language.
Hi I live in America and would love to learn Chinese, Spanish Italian, German etc.

Language pair: English; - Other -
Nellie W.
May 23, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 25, 2008
Re:Love to learn different language.
Hi,my name is lisa,I come from shanghai,China.I can speak chinese very well.But I'm learning English now,so I want to make friend with you~~~

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; - Other -
Daisy(µ¤µ¤£© w.
May 22, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 25, 2008
Love to learn different language.


I love to learn different languages, Love to learn persian,Chinese,arabic and spanish and in the exchange of Urdu & English and there customs.

Take care guys.


Language pair: - Other -; - Other -
Muhammad Rizwan K.
May 13, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: May 25, 2008
Total found: 81 !
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