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Language > Dutch
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Learn DUTCH (Nederlands) in exchange for AFRIKAANS!
How are you?
iam slimane i live in Algeria
work as a customs officer looking to meet
good people
have a sweet dream!

Language pair: Dutch; Afrikaans
soundrose s.
July 10, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 10, 2008
Re:DUTCH in exchange to improve my ENGLISH
How are you?
iam slimane i live in Algeria
work as a customs officer looking to meet
good people
have a sweet dream!

Language pair: Dutch; English
soundrose s.
July 10, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 27, 2008
DUTCH in exchange to improve my ENGLISH
Hello! I live in Belgium. I have been teaching Dutch for many years
(as a mother tongue - native or 'first' language - as well as a second language). So, if you are interested do not hesitate to mail me. (At this moment I am not a gold member yet, though, so you
will have to contact me first, but you are 'more' than welcome!!!)

Language pair: Dutch; English
June 28, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 27, 2008
Learn DUTCH (Nederlands) in exchange for AFRIKAANS!
Ek is 'n leraar (onderwyser) wat klasse gee in Nederlands en woon in België. As our both languages are so similar, wil ik hierover
meer weten: ek is veral geïnteresseer in die uitdrukkings wat in
ons tale so verskillend kan wees. English might help us if we don't
understand eachother. If you are a GOLD MEMBER do not hesitate to contact me. Baie groetnisse en veels geluk!

Language pair: Dutch; Afrikaans
June 26, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 10, 2008
english for dutch
hey im Ashley im 16 from the Usa and English is my native language and im fluent in it aswell, im looking for someone to help me in my Dutch if you can help please email me, thanks(:

Language pair: English; Dutch
Ashley B.
June 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hi Michela

I am mexican boy. I'd would like to learn german, please, contact me and I coud teach you very well spanish.

Victor Fierro
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Language pair: Dutch; English
victor f.
June 6, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 6, 2008
Hi I'm 15. I would like to learn english and make new friends.
But I'm not a gold member so please contact me!!

Language pair: Dutch; 
Michaela ..
June 4, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 6, 2008
Greek - Dutch
Ãåéá óáò, ìå ëÝíå Dirk, åßìáé ðáíôñåìÝíïò êáé ìÝíïõìå óôï Zeebrugge, Ýíá ÷ùñéü óôç âåëãéêÞ áêôÞ. ìáèáßíù ôá åëëçíéêÜ ðåñßðïõ åðôÜ ìÞíåò áëëÜ äåí åßíáé åýêïëç ãëþóóá.
ºóùò ìðïñïýìå íá âïçèÞóïõìå ï Ýíáò ôïí Üëëïí åÜí èÝëåôå íá ìÜèåôå ôá ïëëáíäéêÜ.
¼ðïéïò èÝëåé íá ìïõ ãñÜøåé óôá åëëçíéêÜ êáé èá ôïõ ãñÜøù ðßóù óôá ïëëáíäéêÜ Þ áããëéêÜ. Åð'åõêáéñßáò, ìéëÜìå åðßóçò ìÜëëïí êáëÜ ôá ãåñìáíéêÜ êáé áããëéêÜ. Óáò óôÝëíù ôá ÷áéñåôßóìáôÜ ìáó áðü ôï ÂÝëãéï.

Language pair: Dutch; English
Dirk B.
May 4, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:I would like to learn Dutch.
I've also not written dutch in over 30 years. Are you the Noeske that's related to the Karel Jacobs family from La Puente and Huntington Beach?

Language pair: English; Dutch
mieke j.
March 6, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 6, 2008
Who can help me learning Swedish?
Hi there!

I'm trying to learn Swedish. Is there a native speaker from Sweden or Finland who can help me?



Language pair: Dutch; English
Geert J.
February 28, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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