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Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:Re:rick c
hola para responder a tu primera pregunta soy norteno de la tierra Azteca pero los estados es mi pais ahora.

Anyway se dice de cualquier manera o de cualquier modo.
escupitajo es cuando escupes or is like when you spit if you don't get it still.
bombozo no tengo ni idea de lo que signifique

petado quiere decir que se ha descompuesto, esta palabra la usan los espanoles mucho.

ordenata es un juego de flash por computadora que por cierto es muy divertido por que ya lo he jugado.

malote en mi pais it means a mean guy. creo que en espana significa una persona que hace un vacilon o bochorno.
you gotta be kiding me means me estas tomando el pelo o estas jugando con migo.

ir a tu bola es cuando estas con un grupo de amigos y te tienes que ir si que ellos te suigan, te vas a hacer tu asuto en otro lado.

hasta los guevos de estudiar es que estas hasta tu limite de lo tanto que has estudiado.
guevos son los genitales de un hombre osea los testes del hombre pero guevos es una manera vulgar de decirlo.

cuando te pregunte que a que hora vas por el pan asi decimos en mi pais cuando estamos conociendo a una persona y lo que suignifica es a que hora sales al mandado para poder acompanarte y conocermos mejor nada mas lo puse por que me parecio interesante saberlo.

ensename mas griego como casa calle puerta amor desprecio maldad escuela estudiante y los slangs que usan algun dia me gustaria ir a grcia y quisiera estar bien preparado.

si quieres hablar conmigo mas privado me dicen (ricomo)me gusta ver un canal (@univison) y esta en (.com) ojala lo entiendas y preguntame mas cosas cada vez que me preguntas nuevas frases o palabras aprendo algo nuevo. alguna duda
bye and take care please contact me again i hope we can become good friends if you wish.

Language pair: Greek; Spanish
rick c.
October 18, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 23, 2006
Re:Re:rick c
alexandra si todavia estas ahi
"cogorza" significa borrachera
"hacer el monas" significa hacerte el/la inocente
echar la peta significa meterte en un problema o bronca
"lapo" quiere decir escupitajo
el verbo "molar" quiere decir tener un buenrato y en otros paises quiere decir que lo pienses primero, como cuando masticas antes de comer.

esta palabras y expresiones jamas las he escuchado en mi pais de origen ni de personas que hablan espanol.

ahora ensename griego
como se dice hola, como estas, como te ha ido, a que horas vas por el pan,como esta tu familia etc...

si todavia suiges ahi contestame please.

Language pair: Greek; Spanish
rick c.
October 9, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 23, 2006
Re:hi i'm alexandra
hey alexandra I an not agold member either but i can help you with spanish if you help me with greek, we can use the board right here because i do not know how this works either.


Language pair: Greek; Spanish
rick c.
October 2, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: October 23, 2006
Re:Re:Re:how do you say hello in greek
HI Justine!
well... we can do it!
If you want I can also teach you German or Latin or Old greek or....no...this was all..
Bye Kathi

Language pair: Greek; Italian
May 18, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 18, 2005
Re:how do you say hello in greek
Hi Jordan!
I can teach you Italian if you want.
Hear from you
By Kathi

Language pair: Greek; Italian
May 11, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 18, 2005
Looking for greek penpal who wants to learn italian, english or german
I am italian and speak fluently english and german....I am looking for greek penpals who could teach me some greek in exchange. I love Greece and the greek people and would like to understand more when I go there.
I am not a Gold Member and nobody has contacted me yet...
Hope to be lucky
Bye to all,

Language pair: Greek; All
Kathy M.
January 28, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Help in GREEK for family vocabulary
Hi! I´m a 25 years old

Language pair: Spanish; Greek
Cristina V.
December 30, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re::-) Hi everyone! Does anyone want to LEARN ENGLISH OR ARABIC? I want to learn all the slang Greek! I am dating a Greek and loving it! I wanna learn!
Hi Babe Cakes!!!
Well Take a pen...and start taking notes!!!
I miss you= mou lipis ("ou" as "oo" in "cool")

You make me happy= me kanis eftihismeni ("e" as in "bed", "h" as in "hate" only stronger)[this is used only when a woman addresses to a man. When a man addresses to a woman this phrase changes a little)

Your the best= "ise o kaliteros" or "ise oti kalitero" (they mean the same thing-choose what suits u better)

This is just the begining= afti ine mono i arhi ("e" & "h" r pronounced as in the above phrases)

Anything for u= ta pada gia sena ("e" as above)
and now some mine that he will definately like (in slang):
Troo megali kapsoura gia parti sou agori mou= I'm very much in love with u (my) boy (the "oo" in "troo" is pronounced separately "tro-o", while the "ou" as in the above words)
Moro mou ise ola ta lefta = lit. (My) baby u r all the money!!!!which means I like/love u very much!!!(ur boyfriend will like this very much)
Se goustaro poli= i like u very much (the "ou" as above), my mind has stuck now...i will send u some more...

Now regarding ur prob...i must admit that i didn't understand very well what exactly it is...
Greek emigrants usually try to keep their family traditional...with customs, not marrying "non-greeks" etc...but generally greeks r open-minded people...as i see it the most probable is that they will accept u, hug u and treat u as u were their daughter...don't worry...
Have u discussed ur fears, feeling, thoughts with ur boyfriend on this?
Hope i have helped u a little...

Language pair: Greek; All
Eva M.
January 22, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 22, 2004
Re:Re:Re:Yiasou (To Elyssa)
Hi Elyssa!
I would love to help you with your Greek...and I feel I need some help my English...Are you a Gold Member?I'm not...Would you like a Gold Member to send you my e-mail?I know someone who is a G.M.
I'm waiting for your reply
Eugenia M.

Language pair: English; Greek
Eva M.
January 19, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 19, 2004
I would like help in Greek as well. Efharisto


Language pair: English; Greek
January 18, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 19, 2004
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