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Language > English
Category > Films/Movies

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My Favourite Film-Makers
My favourite film makers are Hal Hartley and whit stillman. I like Martin Scorcese's Taxi Driver very much. But the best film ever in my opinion is definitely Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin.

Language pair: English; English
Hatem E.
April 21, 2008

# Msgs: 1

My favourit TV Show
Hello I'm Steve

I also love the TV Show NCIS (that is the best) Criminal Minds xD

Good Bye

Language pair: German; English
April 21, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:Anyone like tv shows?
Hey all,

I love Buffy, Alias, Charmed, Friends, Gilmore Girls and even Seventh Heaven (first seasons). I'd love to chat with anyone about those amazing shows who all sadly have stopped...

Je parle le français, Ik spreek Nederlands, parlo Italian...

Ciao, Melissa

Language pair: English; French
Melissa B.
April 5, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 22, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Anyone like tv shows?
I also love TV shows!
If you want to talk about series write to me, too!
My favourite ones are Buffy (best show ever in my opinion),Gilmore Girls, Angel and Lost but I also watch a lot more,I'm a huge fan of American tv series.
(About Heroes I think the show is quite fun but i can't stand the miser ends of both two seasons).

Language pair: English; French
March 31, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: April 22, 2008
Re:Re:Re:East is East
I also love Timmy!XD
I've seen almost all his films, and I think all are great (I even liked his version of planet of the apes, but it's not one of my favourites ...?.And yeah , Johnny is also great.
By the way,has anyone watched Pee-weeh's big adventure?I haven't seen it yet but I have heard it isn't good enogh,is that truth?Your opinion?

Language pair: English; French
March 31, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 31, 2008
Film Italiani
Ciao tutti,

Cerco film italiani perché voglio apprendere a ascoltare un po l'italiano. Ma non conosco il repertorio Italiano bene. Voglio trovare il film: Malena... è un buono film? Mi ha detto che si... Si ha altri idee per me, per favore da mi.


Language pair: Italian; English
Melissa B.
March 26, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 12, 2008
Re:Re:How do you say gory in German?
Ahhhh thank you so much!

Language pair: English; German
February 23, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 23, 2008
Re:How do you say gory in German?
Mörderisch ^^

Language pair: English; German
lol l.
February 22, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 23, 2008
Re:Re:How do you say gory in German?
No I don't mean glory- I mean gory!
1. covered or stained with gore; bloody.
2. resembling gore.
3. involving much bloodshed and violence: a gory battle.

Basically movies that are really graphic and bloody; for example Saw, Dawn of the dead, and others..

Can anybody help me translate the word into German?

Language pair: English; German
February 20, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: February 23, 2008
Pinky and the Brain
Connaissez-vous le film <Pinky and the Brain>? (Steven Spielberg production;))
Quand vous le regardiez, est-ce que vous pensez qu´il est aussi bon que je pense?

Language pair: French; English
February 19, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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