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Echange linguistique histoires de succes - language exchange success stories
Hello Bonjour,
I am new to this language exchange web-site.
J'aimerais pratiquer le français. When I look at everything on the website I feel overwhelmed. There is so much choice, messages, people languages.

I would like to know how successful people are - Are you practicing English and French? What works?

Quand je vois tout ce qu'est sur le site je suis boulversé. J'aimerais apprendre de vos expérience: C'est quoi qu'a marché pour vous, racconter vos succès. Merci.

Language pair: English; French
November 21, 2017

# Msgs: 1

hi. im wanting to learn korean.
hi, i am wanting to learn korean. i am a beginner. i only know very few words. please help me learn the basics. thank you.

Language pair: English; Korean
teresa f.
November 20, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2017
Plz help me i want learn japanese can u plz help me for it

Language pair: English; Japanese
Thamali g.
November 20, 2017

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 20, 2017
Re:I need help in Mandarin Chinese
I would like to afford some help In Chinese . Would you offer your question?

Language pair: English; 
Henry L.
November 18, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 18, 2017
I need help in Mandarin Chinese
Hi, my son is 11 and needs to chat with, type with someone in Chinese. He has been having a really rough time of it, as his parents are not native chinese speakers. We speak English and he is willing to help someone with their English in exchange for some badly needed Chinese help!

Language pair: English; 
November 17, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 18, 2017
Newbie Blues
Hiii Guys im a newbie.. I just signed up like 5 mins ago and I just found out that if no one messages me first then i wont be able to do anything about it. I've found many interesting people here and would like to start up a convo but looks like i can't. Anyway, im hoping someone would stumble upon my humble profile and message me.

Language pair: English; 
Chammy D.
November 16, 2017

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2017
Re:English speaker would like to practice Spanish
Hello Carole! I am from Colombia, so I live in Canada. I am an English student and I am very interested to practice my English. I want to improve my speaking and my listening. I can help with my Spanish.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Maria F.
November 15, 2017

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 15, 2017
Re:English speaker would like to practice Spanish
Hello Carole!
I am a new member. I am from Colombia, so I live in Canada. I speak French also. I am very interested to practice my English. Actually, I am a student English and I need to improve my speaking and my listening. I can help you with to practice Spanish

Language pair: English; Spanish
Maria F.
November 15, 2017

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 15, 2017
Portuguese Teacher (BR native) for English Learning
If you are a English speaker and is interest in practice your Portuguese, please contact me, i Need to practice my Emglish. We can help each other.

Language pair: English; Portuguese
November 14, 2017

# Msgs: 1

American wanting to learn Gaelic
I have an interest in learning Scottish Gaelic. I have studied on my own for over a year and am looking to pair with someone more fluent to help me advance my understanding.
I also would be willing to help anyone with learning English. I am an older female with a vast understanding of the English language. I have befriended many people throughout the years from different countries with a limited knowledge of the English language, and I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and mutual learning opportunity it provided.
So I say till later, Hasta Luego, Bis Spater, Chi mi a-rithist thu!

Language pair: English; Gaelic (Scottish)
natalie v.
November 13, 2017

# Msgs: 1

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