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Category > Study Abroad

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Travel in St petersburg for my studies...
Hi all!

I'm a 23 years old French guy. I live near Paris.

I'm a student in management school in tourism.

These studies allowed me to do a travel in St pertersburg to have the Russian diploma. So, I will go in St petersburg in August for 5 or 6 month.

The main problem (isn't a problem because I'm motivated ;-) ) is that I don't speak any word of Russian at the moment... Now I learn alphabet and I begin to read some word.

My English isn't perfect (as you can see ^^) but I think that I can be understood by each other.

If you can help me in my Russian language quest ;) don't hesitate to talk me.

Thanks a lot and see you soon (I hope)


Language pair: French; Russian
March 5, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 29, 2009
Italian-English-Russian mix :)
Hi :) Would be happy to "talk" to an ITALIAN in exchange for ENGLISH or RUSSIAN. English is my "work" but Italian is my "love" :)
Have a good day!

Language pair: English; Russian
Inna L.
January 5, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Re:study partner
Hi, my name is maria, I speak very well uygur(becouse its my mother tounge),chinese, and russian£¨can speak a little£©. Now I want to study hindi and english.
we can stadu ech£­other~


Language pair: German; Russian
maria k.
December 9, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 9, 2008
study partner
Hi, my name is victor, I'm a engineering student, i'm 22 years old, and I speak several languages. I speak very well spanish(maternelle language), french and english. Now I study german(I studied german in the school and currently I studied self-taught ). In the future if i had enough time i would like to study russian, because in this country language level is very low, so it's important to know this language if i travel there again.

Obviously i would like to help another people to learn or improve some language.

I search a serious and organized people for studying frequently.

thanks. good luck

Language pair: German; Russian
Vitoco V.
December 7, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 9, 2008
Looking for english prctice
Hello!I want to improve my english, and I can help with your russian:-).

Language pair: English; Russian
Boris K.
October 19, 2008

# Msgs: 1

If you need to find a good language school in UK, I can help!
I am asked a lot where to study English.

First advice - better not in London (too many foreigners)
Second - go to South/East England, but not Manchester/Newcastle or Scotland, the local acsents there are very strong.

There are lot's of schools, I can advice you on two where my students usually go. Please contact me if you are interested.

Language pair: English; Russian
August 28, 2008

# Msgs: 1


I would be very glad to help you improve your english. I also know Spanish if you need it. But let's start with English.

From what I can see, you already know some of the language, but I can teach you vocabulary and verb tenses, since I have taught before. In the meantime, you might help me with some Russian. You have a friend in me!


Language pair: English; Russian
Jose M.
May 15, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 15, 2008
Hi !people! i am very glad to visit this site. i mind that i will be able to find new friends,who will help me to improve my english! From the other side, i can help you in Russian language!

Language pair: English; Russian
Aleksandra P.
May 13, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 15, 2008
Hi!! Am Amiirah from Mauritius?? Wanna be frnd?? Do u speak Arabic??
hope to hear u soon...

Language pair: Russian; 
April 14, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 14, 2008
i want to learn russian
hi!i'm turkish boy and i'm 17.i want to learn russian.can you help me?if you say 'yes' you contact me;)
ayberq_10 @

Language pair: Russian; 
Ayberk Y.
March 26, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 14, 2008
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