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Language > French
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:My English for Your French
Hey there!

I can help you with your french if you want to :D I'm not too bad in english but I'd like to improve it... I also have skype tanya_c is my user name. So if you're interested just add me on your list!

See ya!

Language pair: English; French
Tanya C.
November 3, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 3, 2006
My English for Your French
Hi All
I am looking for talkative people with a joy for life and a good sense of humour to share my English with in exchange for their French. I have great English grammatical ability but my French is very basic. Get in touch if you want correspond or talk. I have Skype!

Be happy!!


Language pair: English; French
millie r.
October 31, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 3, 2006
How to say 'Best Regards' in business e-mail ending in French

I am studying French and also would like to make use of it in my job by writing the e-mail. Therefore, someone can help me and teach me from the simple wordings. Thanks for your help!

Language pair: English; French
Tsao S.
September 19, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:faty from algeria needs your help
marhaban Faty. je suis italienne mais j'ai vècu au Canada deux ans et j'étudie l'anglais depuis des siècles. Ce n'est pas ma langues maternelle, mais je peux t'aider, si tu veux. J'étudie aussi l'arabe foussah.

Language pair: French; English
isabella b.
September 6, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:slang french street talk
I thought you all wanted to improve your French :P Alors parlons un peu fraçais lol Je ne connais Pas Sniper, mais Manau n'est pas mal... Pour tout dire, je n'écoute pas beaucoup de Hip-Hop. Mais si vous aimez la musique francophone, essayez Malajube. Excellent!:D À plus tard!

Language pair: French; 
Tanya C.
September 3, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 3, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Re:slang french street talk
to jump in the conversation about music, if you like rap/hip hop check out Sniper or Maneau ;)

Language pair: French; 
September 2, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 3, 2006
Re:Re:Re:slang french street talk
Hi robert!

Yes younger people like Beau Dommage...I do! :D For the expressions you said, yes there's somme like this in montreal.
Il est dingue...this one you won't hear it much, it's more in french from france. We speak the same language, but with different expressions :D Here instead of mec you'd probably hear gars. ( il est fou ce gars.) If you say it with the quebec accent it would be more like Yé fou ce gars ;)

And I agree with you...we have the best music in montréal! :D
If you like Beau EDOmmage, you might like Harmonium, Robert Charlebois...have you ever heard them?

Language pair: French; 
Tanya C.
September 1, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 3, 2006
Re:Re:Re:some one contact me
Hello again ! Know I write the second part of my adress : at web point de, please write me !
bye bye Jessica.

Language pair: French; English
August 31, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2006
Re:Re:some one contact me
Hello Charlotte !
I search somebody who can speak french because I want to learn it . Maybe you want to write with me, so I write the first part of my e-mail adress down and later the second part. then we can write to each other if you want. Bling_Bling-annika is the first part. Bye jessica

Language pair: French; English
August 30, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: August 31, 2006
Re:slang french street talk
I'm french if you want more informations
Contact me ........

Language pair: French; 
August 30, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 3, 2006
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