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Category > Music/Dance

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Rock music is a style of life, isn't it?
I love music very much and I even can say that music is my life!
I like rock and I'm a member of some band. My dream is to make hard rock, but I can't do it yet. I play the guitar.
Is some musicians or just people who likes rock here? It'll be really intresting to chat with you!

Language pair: English; Russian
Inga R.
November 14, 2008

# Msgs: 6
Latest: December 7, 2009
Re:Re:Music People
hey, I`m German so my English isn´t very perfect, too. I read you played the guitar since 2 months; I play it since 5 months and I like it, too. :) I´m a little bit lazy so I´m not very fast but it´s graet fun! :D Can you already play some real songs? :)

Language pair: English; 
November 14, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 15, 2008
dance mania
hi. i am from greece. i am studing the english language. i love dancing. is there anyone from england who wants to learn the Greek language? I would like to practice my english. Please sent my a message. bye

Language pair: English; 
dance girl
November 6, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:n. african music
heey muniya
lebes alik
im hamid from morcco i just move from morcco to florida, i watn learn english m if u can help please with dat i promise to teach you french or berber or arabic, i m also rai maniac !dallali !
mail me back

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; English
berberis h.
November 6, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hola! Yo soy española y deseo mejorar mi inglés, tengo 20 años. Si quieres envíame un mensaje ya que yo no puedo porque no soy miembro Gold...
Un saludo

Language pair: English; Spanish
Rakel G.
November 5, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: May 10, 2009
Hola! Yo soy española y deseo mejorar mi inglés, tengo 20 años. Si quieres envíame un mensaje ya que yo no puedo porque no soy miembro Gold...
Un saludo

Language pair: English; Spanish
Rakel G.
November 5, 2008

# Msgs: 7
Latest: May 10, 2009
Re:Re:Cantopop (et Mandopop): Faye Wong, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, Jackie Cheung
Ciao a tutti, scusatemi per gli errori in italiano, c'è tempo che non ho scritto in sta lingua. Mi piace assai la musica italiana e più di tutto la canzone napoletana-la più bella del mondo!- ma... mi sono innamorata della canzone di Hong Kong che si canta in cantonese e anche di quella in chinese mandarino. Se hai già visto dei filmi chinese , hai già sentito queste canzone, perchè in ogni filmi ci sta una canzone, di solito cantata dai attori di primi piani. Quindi se hai voglia di scoprire ti consiglio di andare a vedere sui siti (youtube, dailymotion) come sono belle le canzone in cinese cantonese e mandarino di Andy Lau, Faye Wong e tutti gli altri. Ciao

Language pair: French; Chinese, Cantonese
November 3, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: November 3, 2008
Re:Music People
I'm French, so sorry if my english isn't tiptop but I so happy to speak english with sb! We don't care about it, but it's to be placed!

Well, I play the guitar since...2months but it's great! I love it!! I like rock, but also other stuff! What do you play?

Have a nice day

Language pair: English; 
November 2, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 15, 2008
Music People
Looking for some friends to talk about music with, i'm a silver member so i can't find anyone. =[ I wanna show people my music as well!

Language pair: English; 
Lucas Q.
November 2, 2008

# Msgs: 5
Latest: November 15, 2008
Re:Metallica new album.
I like the album. The Black album was better. More like a classic.

Language pair: English; English
Victoria P.
October 30, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: October 30, 2008
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