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Language > Romanian
Category > New Member

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hola me gustaria conocer a alguienq kiera enseñarme romanian bueno habla español e ingles gracias

Language pair: Romanian; 
yevgueni p.
July 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hoping to learn Romanian
Hello everyone,

I am hoping to learn Romanian from someone here because my wife just doesn't know where to start on teaching me. I would like to learn so I can talk to her family when we visit them in Moldova and I hope to teach my daughter Romanian as well. It will be a lot easier to teach her this if my wife and I both speak the language. I hope to talk to someone soon.

Language pair: English; Romanian
July 15, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I need help, please!
Any help I can get would be great in the Romanian language. In exchange, I will teach you either Chinese or English. Thanks in advance.

Language pair: Romanian; 
June 25, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hi everybody
Hi Mari! I really need to get better at Romanian and I can help you with English!

Language pair: English; Romanian
Clarissa L.
June 1, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 1, 2008
new to this site
Hallo leute! I am a Romanian girl living in England since ten years and whish to learn German language very badly. I'm looking for a partner who would like to help me learn quicker and in return I'll try and teach back either Romanian or English languages. I preffer to learn German from English as it became almost easier for me to speak it than my Romanian mother language but if you are only interested in Romanian it's not a problem at all. Just get in touch :) and send me an e-mail or a PM
I'm waiting...
Vielen Dank,

Language pair: Romanian; German
Bianca H.
May 29, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Hi everybody
I am from Romania and I would like to know people who want to do an exchange , to learn my native language and teach me English. Thank you.

Language pair: Romanian; English
Mari N.
May 22, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 1, 2008
Guten Tag
Hallo ich heiße Vivien und bin ein neues Mitglied. Ich bin sehr in Rumänien, die Sprache und die Kultur interessiert. Ich hoffe daher ein Brieffreund/in zu finden: im gegezug kann ich dir deutsch und/oder englisch beibringen. Würde mich freuen wenn sich jemand meldet. Danke

Language pair: Romanian; French
vivien d.
May 1, 2008

# Msgs: 1

I will teach you ROMANIAN!!!
Hi, I'm a romanian who lives in USA. I can help anyone who would like to learn/practice Romanian. If you can speak Spanish I'm interested to practice it so let's exchange our languages.I am a regular member so if you can find a way to contact me I will answer you promptly.Thank you.

Language pair: Romanian; Spanish
March 24, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hy !
hi, im not a gold member either, but if your willing to try to communicate through myspace, i could help you with you english. -kayla

Language pair: Romanian; English
March 16, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 16, 2008
Hey!I'm a 15 year-old girl from Romania and I really-really want to learn Finnish.I could (try to) teach Romanian to whoever is interested.I also could help people with their English,but just the intermediate stuff.If somebody is from Finland and wants to learn Romanian,pls contact me.Or anyone who wants to learn/to teach me these languages.Hope to talk to you soon :)!

Language pair: Romanian; 
Face on the r.
March 14, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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