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Re:Re:I need to practice
Hey joana:
I would be able to help you in english. I am looking for some help to learn spanish. I have tried to learn but i guess till you practise one cannot learn. Olliking forward to hear from you

Language pair: Spanish; English
harry S.
December 11, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 11, 2005
Re:I need to practice
Hey, I'm Mexican-American and I'm only sixteen but I can surely be a help because I speak both English and Spanish. So if you need help just contact me.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Joanna C.
December 7, 2005

# Msgs: 3
Latest: December 11, 2005
this go to every one too Re:I NEED HELP WITH MY SPANISH!!! PLEASE HELP!!!
hi Angelai can help you.
hi there i was with the problem to cant contact each other cause as many of you here Im not a goldmember.well i got an idea:i make long time ago a group that i never use so you can look in msn groups for the group:Solo amistad Only Friendship Amicos/as Amis/ies
and there you can post a message with your email or other way trought the people in here that is trying to contact with you can do it and he or she can do the same thing and voila! you can contact each other

Sorry if i write this with some mistakes (im not so good in english).

Language pair: Spanish; French
Enav A.
November 2, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Hola Sally

Excúsame por la tardanza, estuve sin internet los últimos diez días, porque me fui para el campo. Yo no sé nada de árabe, NADA. De forma que a ti te será más difícil enseñarme. Pero no me abandones por eso, sé buena. ¿Dices que puedes enviarme tu perfil y contacto?. Estaría muy bueno poder escribirnos directamente uno al otro.
Bueno, espero que ahora la comunicación sea más rápido.
Saludos. Te espero.

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Spanish
Gustavo D.
October 31, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 31, 2005
would like for some to teach me spanish
possibly someone from the south american countries. i can teach you english

Language pair: English; Spanish
lyn G.
October 21, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Respuesta para Sally
Hola Sally! Yo creo que si escribo aquí mi dirección de correo, no publican este mensaje. Igualmente tú. Entonces te propongo escribirnos aquí, al menos por ahora. ¿Como empezamos a enseñarnos uno al otro?. ¿Que estás estudiando en este momento?. ¿Hace mucho tiempo que estás estudiando?. Yo estoy estudiando aquí en mi país inglés, en la institución Alianza Uruguay- USA.
Estoy muy contento por tu respuesta. Te escribí todo en español para que te esfuerces en leerlo, y así te ayuda. Contame que estás estudiando en este momento, y como vos podés ayudarme con el Árabe.
A uruguayian hug.

Gustavo Díaz.

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Spanish
Gustavo D.
October 17, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 31, 2005
Learn english,spanish,italian and teach arabic
Hi to everybody, I am iraqian 30 years old, I am engineer and I live in Dubai.I would like to improve my english and to learn spanish and italian. I will teach you arabic.

I'll be thanks to help me.
Best Regards to All members.

Language pair: Arabic, Middle Eastern; Spanish
Omar A.
October 8, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 20, 2005
I need learn arabic middle easthern

Hola. Yo soy de Uruguay, un país de Sudamérica. Me gustaría aprender el árabe hablado en el medio oriente, para tener posibilidades de aprender más sobre la cultura islámica de esa región, con otro enfoque a la hora de acceder a la información, porque acá solo me llega la la interpretación occidental.
Si alguien puede ayudarme, puedo a su vez ayudarlo a aprender español sudamericano.
Soy Gustavo Díaz, tengo 26 años, estoy estudiando inglés.
Espero vuestra respuesta.

I'm Gustavo Díaz, I'm from Uruguay, a country of South América.
I would like to learn arabic language, of the middle easthern, because I would like to learn more which islam culture.
I study english basic in my country.
Si some people can ask for me, I can learn Spanish for you.
See you later.

Gustavo Díaz.

Language pair: Spanish; Arabic, Middle Eastern
Gustavo D.
September 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

I'd like to practice my english

My name is Mª Carmen and I'd like to practice my english with somebody.
If you are interesed writte me ok?
Thank you

Language pair: Spanish; English
Mª Carmen X.
September 6, 2005

# Msgs: 1

All the pratice pays off!
I had an experience the other day that was so exciting I've been dying to share it. Some of you may know that after studying five different languages and not ever getting very good at any of them, I decided to go back to my first foreign language, Spanish, and try to develop fluency.

Of course, I'm not saying I'm there yet, but check this out: The other day, I was on the college campus in the foreign language department, and I got into a Spanish language conversation with two professors who are native speakers. We spoke for about 45 minutes or so, completely in Spanish, and there were only a couple of times I had to stop to say words in English or ask for help. I can't tell you how good it felt.

Anyway, if you're out there, feeling frustrated or overwhelmed, or even a bit discouraged, I just want to encourage you all to keep at it. Practice every day, or at least several times a week. Get people to study and practice with you. Join a meetups group. It works!

I invite you all to translate this into as many languages as you'd like. It might be helpful to those who don't speak Spanish or English.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Mark S.
September 2, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 9, 2005
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