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Language > Filipino (Tagalog)
Category > Slang/Expressions

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hi all.hows it going?
im interested to learn thai at the moment..can anyone help me with thai?thanx heaps

if u like to learn tagalog,bisaya or english then i can teach you those language..

see ya!

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); English
September 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:To all who speak Tagalog
Not to mention English:

Sana maganda ang weekend mo: have a good weekend!


Reply to message # 58220
Re:Re:Re:To all who speak Tagalog Rich

Tagalog is an interesting combination of Spanish and, I think, Malay and Sanskrit...

Kumusta ka? How are you? (In Spanish, ¿Como está?)

Anong pangalan mo? What is your name?

Taga saan ka ba? Where are you from?

Salamat. Thank you.

This is a reply to message # 57643
Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); Filipino (Tagalog)
Category: Slang/Expressions

Post date: August 10, 2005

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); Filipino (Tagalog)
Mark S.
August 10, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Can somebody teach me korean...
Annyong haseyo!
I know how to speak Filipino language.Can somebody teach me how to speak korean fluently?Plssss....If you want I will teach you Filipino language.

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); English
Crystal R.
June 13, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Re:german speakers out there!!!
Willst du tatsächlich Deutsch lernen?
Kannst du verstehen, was ich hier geschrieben habe?
Schreibe 10 Sätze über verschiedene Themen damit ich sehen kann, wie ich dir helfen kann.

(Write 1o sentences related to different topics so that I can see, which level of help you need.)

Auf Wiedersehen, tschüss !

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); English
Aleksandar D.
December 2, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 5, 2004
Re:How do i say
"please knock"....in tagalog its " paki-katok ang pintuan"..
pintuan = door ,, katok = knock,,paki is a prefix which denotes "please" or when your asking someone to do something for you..like paki-dampot..it means "please pick it"...

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); Filipino (Tagalog)
October 29, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Help!!! I want to Learn KOrean, Japanese, Chinese, or FRench
Hello guys,
I'm only 14 years old from the Philippines. Please, I would love to hear from anyone who is interested to teach me Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and French languages. In return, I shall teach you Filipino or English. I'm only a regular member so please contact me.

Please!!!Someone, help me!!!

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); English
Moon M.
June 10, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Help me learn Tagalog!
I want to learn the basics of tagalog please someone. I am an American male willing to teach English and demonstrate tongue-fu!
Use contact info in profile! Please help me learn to speak with my co workers. Thanks!

Language pair: Filipino (Tagalog); All
July 21, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Can you help me?
Hi there!
I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with
filipino(tagalog) im not very good!

My boyfriend is filipino and I would like to communicate better
with him and his family

Language pair: English; Filipino (Tagalog)
March 5, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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