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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Italian - English
Hi, I'm looking for some people whose native language is English in order to practise English language, and in return for I can help you with Italian, since it is my native language

Language pair: English; Italian
Davide A.
May 15, 2016

# Msgs: 2
Latest: May 20, 2016
Italian - English
Hi, I'm looking for some people whose native language is English in order to practise English language, and in return I can help you with Italian.

Language pair: Italian; English
Davide A.
May 1, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:which is used more often in conversation, the Imperfect, or the Gerund?
Thank you Sara!

yes it does help, I was not paying attention to the fact that I was conjugating Stare in the past tense.

Can be confusing.


Language pair: Italian; English
April 19, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 19, 2016
Re:which is used more often in conversation, the Imperfect, or the Gerund?
Hi Tamara,

both your examples are in the past tense, the only difference between them is that one is past continuous and the other imperfect.
For the present tense, especially something 'at this very moment', you should say: Giuseppe sta mangiando una mela, which is the exact translation of Giuseppe is eating an apple.
Both options give an idea of what he was doing at a certain moment in the past, not anymore, whether something else was happening or not.

I hope this helps.


Language pair: Italian; English
April 17, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 19, 2016
Help with sanskrit
Hello all,

I've been studying sanskrit on my own for almost two years; i'd be glad if anybody would help me every now and then with translation practice; sometimes I really get stuck on it and can't go on. I can give help with italian if requested.

Thank you

Language pair: Sanskrit; Italian
April 17, 2016

# Msgs: 1

which is used more often in conversation, the Imperfect, or the Gerund?
Se voglio dire: Giuseppe is eating an apple, do I say: #1. Giuseppe stava mangiando una mela. Or, #2. Giuseppe mangiava una mela. ?
--I think the first one is for what Giuseppe is doing at the moment, and the second one is for what Giuseppe is doing at a moment while something else is happening?
Can you use #2. on its own, or does it have to be followed by some other part of a sentence, like: Giuseppe mangiava una mela, mentre ha scritto una lettera.


Language pair: Italian; English
April 12, 2016

# Msgs: 1

which is used more often in conversation, the Imperfect, or the Gerund?
Se voglio dire: Giuseppe is eating an apple, do I say: #1. Giuseppe stava mangiando una mela. Or, #2. Giuseppe mangiava una mela. ?
--I think the first one is for what Giuseppe is doing at the moment, and the second one is for what Giuseppe is doing at a moment while something else is happening?
Can you use #2. on its own, or does it have to be followed by some other part of a sentence, like: Giuseppe mangiava una mela, mentre ha scritto una lettera.


Language pair: Italian; English
April 12, 2016

# Msgs: 3
Latest: April 19, 2016
Scambio italiano - spagnolo

Mi chiamo Antonio e sono spagnolo di Valladolid. Vorrei essercitare e migliorare il mio italiano. Sto cercando un tandem spagnolo - italiano. Parlo anche francese e inglese.

Contattami si ti interessa!

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
March 25, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Can teach English want to learn Italian
I am an Indian living in Milano. I need to learn to speak Italian quickly and in exchange can teach English. I have time on hand so need to learn and learn quickly

Language pair: English; Italian
March 15, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Cerco amici per praticare italiano
Ciao a tutti!
Ho visuto per un anno in italia e voglio praticare e continuare imparando la lingua e la cultura di questo bello paese.

Parlo anche spagnolo e un po d'inglese.

Spero di conoscere tante simpatiche persone!


Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Marta M.
March 5, 2016

# Msgs: 1

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