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Language > Portuguese
Category > Making Friends

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Re:Limitation of Language Exchange site?
I know its... ç-ç
i'm in this situation too~
never can answer the "Hi's" =__= so boring

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Ângela d.
September 5, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 5, 2013
Re:Re:I would really like to have friends in different countries or that speak different languages.
Olá!!! Também gosto de KPOP *O* Adoro J/K-dramas \>_</ Quero mais amigos!!

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Ângela d.
September 5, 2013

# Msgs: 5
Latest: January 10, 2014
Posso ajudar em português! Quero aprender inglês, coreano, japonês e norueguês *0*~
Quero amigos também \o/

Language pair: Portuguese; English
Ângela d.
September 5, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hello there:D
hi alice!

My name cleber. I am Brazilian and would like to help you improve your English.
Any e-mail to contact?

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Cleber L.
May 24, 2013

# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 27, 2013
Re:Hello there:D
hi alice!

My name cleber. I am Brazilian and would like to help you improve your English.
Any e-mail to contact?

Language pair: English; Portuguese
Cleber L.
May 24, 2013

# Msgs: 5
Latest: May 27, 2013
Español, portugués, english, français...I exchange my spanish with you language
Hola, Hi, Olá!
Soy español, vivo en Barcelona y adoro aprender idiomas y hacer amigos. Tengo 41 años, soy simpático y buen amigo, y busco intercambiar idiomas. Quiero mejorar mi portugués (50% de mi familia es portuguesa), mi inglés y el francés.
I'm spanish, living in Barcelona and loving to learn languages and make friends. I'm 4 y.o, sympathic and good friend, and looking exchange languafes. I need to improve my portuguese (50% of my family is portuguese), my english and the french.

Language pair: Spanish; Portuguese
Manué B.
April 20, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 25, 2015
Portuguese teacher; English student and practitioner
Hi everyone. I need to practice my english writing, speaking, making sentences. I'll help you Portuguese students. Please, contact me! Best regards.

Language pair: Portuguese; English
March 27, 2013

# Msgs: 1

Re:Hi Reply
Hi, my name is Julian I never look in the bulletin board, I speak both English and Spanish, I would love to learn Portuguese and meet new friends. :)

Language pair: Portuguese; 
Julian m.
March 10, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 10, 2013
Hi Reply
Olá Martin!

Você está interessado em praticar o português?

Language pair: Portuguese; 
Deborah C.
March 8, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 10, 2013
Re:Who doesn't want one more friend ?
I'not gold member. this is first time to send email

Language pair: Portuguese; Japanese
Chikara S.
February 17, 2013

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 17, 2013
Total found: 261 !
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