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Language > Swedish
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Voila je suis vraiment motivée pour apprendre le suédois please help i want to learn swedish
hi everybody i hope that someone can help me because i very want to speak english better than now and i want also to learn swedish because i want to go there in one year!!! Please answer me and give me help may i can help someone who want to learn french!!!

Language pair: French; Swedish
March 15, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 30, 2007
hälsningen någon person, som hon älskar för att lära för att tala förmiddag tillgängligt I för spanjor I, gillar kulturen av Sverige by förmiddag långt I som den tillgängliga singeln skriver till mitt elektroniskt postar tack

Language pair: Swedish; Spanish
Yonnie m.
January 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

enseño muy el español y con mucho gusto
alguien quien hablar yo estoy disponible todo el tiempo escribame a mi E mail y oy le constestare con mucho gusto gracias

Language pair: Spanish; Swedish
Yonnie m.
January 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

enseño muy el español y con mucho gusto
alguien quien hablar yo estoy disponible todo el tiempo escribame a mi E mail y oy le constestare con mucho gusto gracias

Language pair: Spanish; Swedish
Yonnie m.
January 14, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:swedish-english translation please!
Nice, but you're missing some punctuations. This is more accurate.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure "sex life" is two separate words.

Also, I took out some words. Some words are just too cluttery. Normally, you really don't need them when saying some sentences, although they're still considered correct English.


So what am I supposed to do with a girl that is so unhappy when she meets new people? She makes both me and them feel uncomfortable, not to mention herself. Will it be better when she has lived on her own? Or?

Should I just let her fall in someone else's arms and see if she returns, or do I want her to come back? Do I want that, or do I want to be on my own again? I think about the sex life as well. After all, she makes me feel somewhat comfortable and anything becomes possible. Is it that I take some kind of moral stand against basing a relationship just on sex? Or perhaps it is based purely on common sense?

Questions, questions, questions. With time comes advice. If Japan comes I might not have to decide for anything.

I am calling now, but I know that she will not answer.

Language pair: Swedish; English
December 28, 2006

# Msgs: 1

looking for somebody
Hello everyone,
I've seen a profile of a gyt called Nemanja who is speaking serbian, swedish, studying in japan...
If he reads this, I ask him to contact me (unfortunatelly I cannot contact you) because I need help with learning swedish.
best regards to everyone

Language pair: Serbian; Swedish
Svetlana N.
October 7, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I'd love to learn Swedish. Who can help me?
Mi piacerebbe moltissimo imparare lo svedese. Sono italiana, e parlo anche inglese e francese. C'e' qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare?
J'aimerais beaucoup apprendre le suedois. Je suis italienne, mais je peux vous aider avec le francais et l'anglais aussi. Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider?
If you need help with english, french or italian I can be useful. All I want (and I want it very badly)are swedish lessons.

Language pair: Italian; Swedish
July 17, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:All that Swedish
Allegra, Thank you for your corrections. I be more careful.
It is sometimes hard to me to choose between different vocales. Every vocalis in russian can mean two or three different sounds (phonemes) with their's different accents and variations. It is not very easy.
But what about Swedish?

Language pair: Russian; Swedish
Alexandr M.
June 29, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 29, 2006
All that Swedish
I'm first day at language exchange. For the future I bag your pardon for my English. I can help any in his russian. But my swedish is much more worse than English. Really! I can't say "Jag spra'kar svenska" and so on.
Aj and back to post - i'm not a goldmember - so can't right you.

Language pair: Russian; Swedish
Alexandr M.
June 27, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 29, 2006
Re:Hobbies in Sweden

well... what can I say?
It's a male hobby usually performed with one hand on ones own, but there are many variants. It's not the kind of hobby you'd bring up while having dinner with your stepmother. Unfortunately, it's the kind of hobby that quite a few for some unknown reason find interesting to disscuss in internet conversations with Swedes.

I hope my reply has been of use!


Language pair: English; Swedish
March 5, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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