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Language > Italian
Category > Seeking Partners

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Re:Ciao a tutti!
Dagegen muss ich mein Deutsch verbessern.. jetzt arbeite ich gerade bei Bayer hier in Mailand und ich besuche einen deutschen Kurs bei Bosch, but mit dir wöllte ich Über etwas verschiedenes sprechen, nicht Über die Arbeit.. ich wäre fröh mit dir ein Spräche-Exchange beginnen, auch weil dein italienisch Überhaupt nicht schlecht ist.. ;-D

Tschuss, Alex

Ps: ich warte auf deine Antwort hier.. wenn du in meinen voherigen Nachritungen suchst, kannst du meine EmailKontakt finden..

Language pair: English; Italian
July 3, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 3, 2007
Hi, I'm looking for someone who can teach me japanese. I can teach you italian. Bye

Language pair: Italian; Japanese
July 2, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: October 23, 2008
looking for antonio??from italy
Antonio you must ask yourself who am i... well i was searching for people on this page and on the search results appearead your name,it said that you were 19 that you love playing guitar and music and that you were studying english and spanish at tje university... if you ever read this i would be glad to help you out with both languages if you help me with my italian... you can contact me at yah.. with my id alexa_erazo or at hot... at beautiful_300 .com or at this bulletin board... hoping to hear from you..
ciao alexa

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
alexa e.
June 28, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Looking for italian friends :-)
mi chiamo Davide e sono italiano e mi trovo al momento in Germania, il tuo italiano è molto buono ma può essere migliorato ;-)
Io farei uno scambio in cinese - italiano,
dimmi se sei disponibile,

Ciaoooo :D

Language pair: Italian; Dutch
June 28, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 3, 2007
Looking for italian friends :-)
Ciao!! Mi chiamo Sonia. Sono di Hong Kong. Sto imparando l'italiano da solo. Ho bisogno di aiuto! Vorrei conscere dei amici italiani. Posso aiutarti se vuoi. Parlo cantonese, inglese e cinese. Se sei interessante, puoi rispondere questo messaggio. Scusami se ho sbagliato! Il mio italiano e' male!

I hope that you can understand my italian. I know that my italian is awful. I am working hard to improve it. My english is pretty good so if you need help, I would be more than happy to help you. We can be friends too! Mi piace l'italia!

Language pair: Italian; Spanish
Sonia :.
June 27, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 3, 2007
Hi Midiac!
Hi Midiac! I contacted you on skype..bit you don't answer me...I will try again! It's incredible..but I'm a doctor...I'm a Psychiatrist to be more precise! :-)
I'm wating for you news! Angela

Language pair: Italian; 
June 26, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 11, 2007
could someone help me?(potere qualcuno aiutami?)plz
i would really like to practice my italian but i am not a gold member, could some one please contact me or give me an answer here on the bulleting board plz... i would be glad to help you improve your english or your spanish,(i am a fluent speaker both),thnx!!

kisses alexa

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
alexa e.
June 26, 2007

# Msgs: 1

looking for new friends
hi everybody,
looking for a new friend:he would be male,about 40-50 YO and preferably born in Ireland.We could talk about whatever u want as I've gotr a lot of interests.
Ciao a presto

Language pair: English; Italian
June 26, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 11, 2007
Re:Re:Looking for French Partner
Hi Johan, I love French, however i know only a few words, yes and thank you. Maybe a few more. I am fluent in English and Spanish I would be willing to help you with either of them, if you would teach me French in return. I'm not a gold member, so feel free to contact me.

Language pair: Italian; French
Judy B.
June 25, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 25, 2007
Re:hello everybody!
hi, ang, i'm midaic i am a psychology student in america. i want to help you and hope to learn some hints on your food and language. i hope you will connect with me. i am also on skype. if you need me to contact you let me know. thank you

Language pair: Italian; 
midaic l.
June 25, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: July 11, 2007
Total found: 1148 !
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