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Language > Swahili
Category > Internet Technology

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Hi there how does one say," your welcome"?
Hallo there,

I am Marsha and i know and speak English very well.

I would like to know how one says," your welcome" in Swahili.

Is it easy to use the various technologies using Swahili as a language?


Language pair: English; Swahili
Marsha. B S.
January 21, 2016

# Msgs: 1

Hi there how does one say," your welcome"?
Hallo there,

I am Marsha and i know and speak English very well.

I would like to know how one says," your welcome" in Swahili.

Is it easy to use the various technologies using Swahili as a language?


Language pair: English; Swahili
Marsha. B S.
January 21, 2016

# Msgs: 1

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