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Language > Tamil
Category > Teacher Training/Teaching Abroad

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I can for Tamil languages actually from chennai but staying in KSA,for learning malayalam iam serching out this session and to find friend who will teach me malayalam.

Language pair: Tamil; Malayalam
shujath s.
July 24, 2011

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2011
deseo intercambio de idioma por favor
deseo aprender tamil o hindi ,
me parecen q son idiomas poco usuales,
talvez conocer alguna vez si se presenta la oportunidad
algunos lugares donde lo practiquen. Mi lengua natal
es el español y espero colaborar en todo
lo posible a aquellos que deseen hablarlo y escribirlo ...

juan sebastian

Language pair: Hindi; Tamil
juan sebastian
January 5, 2010

# Msgs: 1

Learning Spanish
I am a teacher and I would like to learn Spanish and French as I am very interested to know more the different cultures. In return I can teach Tamil and Malay. I am just an ordinary member n would be grateful if any gold member can contact me.

Language pair: Spanish; Tamil
sheila k.
March 21, 2008

# Msgs: 1

hi im darshini. i would like to learn hindi and malayalam.

Language pair: Tamil; Malayalam
darshini k.
September 4, 2007

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 24, 2011

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