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Language > Turkish
Category > Music/Dance

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Stay Metal Friends !
Hey I'm Oyku I'm from Turkey and loove listening metal music actually. I'm looking for friends from Sweden Norway or USA or I dont know I dont care it can be any of the countries.
We can chat about metal and I would really like to know what bands you listen to?
I love Vikings so much I love their history the mythology the scandinavian culture and of course the music. Not a fan of black metal so much though. Amon Amarth is one of my fav bands. And i alsa like folk music I love Ireland.
Maybe I ll go to Sweden Upsalla University for erasmus for one year. So let me know if you know anything about that university. I would also like to go to Ireland Dublin. I wanna work for Google actually they have internships there:)

Language pair: English; Turkish
Oyku U.
December 14, 2013

# Msgs: 1


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the peolple
Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possession
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Language pair: English; Turkish
June 12, 2013

# Msgs: 1

I am tourist guide at Turkey.
Hi! My name is Adem. I'm 33 years old and from Turkey in Ýstanbul. I am tourist guide at Turkey. I'm looking for native English speakers who would like to help me to learn better english. Of course I would like to help you with your Turkish. Also If you came to Turkey . I'd be delighted to guide you if you come to Turkey. Because Turkey is very, very beautiful place. You should definitely see.

Language pair: Turkish; English
adem s.
March 20, 2012

# Msgs: 1

Hello DeLice
How are you ? If you want we can translate the 80s songs to our respectives languages

Language pair: Turkish; English
September 15, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 15, 2008
hi all !!
im DeLice from Turkey..i love 80s n a lot of music Duran duran the cure depeche mode enigma..
eamm ^+%&/^+ cya xD

Language pair: Turkish; English
August 19, 2008

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 15, 2008
hi.i like music too.i play flute,guitar and drum...

Language pair: Turkish; English
Nihatcan G.
February 6, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 10, 2008
Song translated into English "Bir ask hikayesi"

Bir ask hikayesi

bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi
siyah beyaz film gibi biraz
gozyasi, VE umut ihtiras
bizimkisi alev gibi biraz
alev gibi

bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi
siyah beyaz film gibi biraz
ates VE CSU, dikenle gul gibi
bizimkisi novel gibi biraz

le more guller senin icin
le gonul ikimizin
hic uzulme aglama
sen gulum sev daima(2)

bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi
siyah beyaz film gibi biraz
huzunlu sonbahar kapisindan
cikmak gibi aydinliga biraz

bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi
siyah beyaz film gibi biraz
ates VE CSU, dikenle gul gibi
bizimkisi novel gibi biraz

le more guller senin icin
le gonul ikimizin
hic uzulme aglama
sen gulum sev daima(2)

** siir **

ne guzeldi degil mi yasadiklarimiz
ne guzeldi
artiki ne sen ne de ben
bulamayiz o gunleri.
bazen dusunuyorumda
bende de yanlis more birseyler vardi galiba diyorum
ikimizde kiymetini bilemedik birseylerin.
hatirlar misin aksam olur mumlarimizi yakardik
sen kokunu surerdin oda sen kokardi
olmadik seylere durup dururken aglardik
guzel havalarda sokaklara cikardik
birde kar yaginca kartopu oynardik seninle
sen iskambil kagitlarindan fal bakardin
istedigin cikmadiginda kagitlari bir daha karardin
cok kizardin sigara ictigime VE ickime karisirdin
uzun uzun zararlarini anlatirdin bana
ara sira rejim yapardin
tarti you dogru tartsa bir yanlis tartardi
yani onunlada anlasamazdin
komsunun cocuklari vardi bizim kizla oynarlardi
cocuk bahcesine giderdiniz
ben televizyonda maca bakardim
ara sira arkadaslar gelir sohbet ederdik
surdan burdan konusurduk iste
benim askerlik hatiralarim senin dogum hikayelerin bitmezdi
ilk tanistigimiz gunu hatirlar gulerdik
sen bana "ustumde ne vardi" diye sorardin
bende ago seferinde hatirlamazdim...
simdi hatirliyorum
kirmizi bir kazak, siyah bir etek siyah coraplar VE kirmizi pabuclarin
VE bir persembe gunu seed ikiyi there geciyordu
ikimizde onumuze bakmadik carpistik once
sen pardon dedin sonra ben yere dusen kitaplarini topladim
goz goze geldik VE basladik
film gibi yani
son mektubunu dun aldim
tesekkur ederim
ben sana yazmistim grip salgini var demistim bak yine gribe yakalanmissin
neyse gecmis olsun
buralarda there hava soguk ama hasta falan degilim
le gozluklerle basim dertte hayat iste yuvarlanip gidiyoruz
hepinizi cok ozledim...

bizimkisi bir ask hikayesi
siyah beyaz film gibi biraz
ates VE CSU, dikenle gul gibi
bizimkisi novel gibi biraz.

Hoping someone can help me translate this song into English. I have listened to it and it is a beautiful sounding Turkish song, even though I don't understand one word. Thanks if you can help me.

Language pair: Turkish; English
September 4, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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