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Hi, Pieter Maybe it helps you
Language pair: English; Ukrainian
October 17, 2015
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 17, 2015
I am drowning in Ukrainian grammar! I am losing track of it. My course is spamming me with cases and case endings. It is too much to get my head around :-( The course has few exercises and they are unclear to me because there is no structure. And there are no right answers because it just gives you some words and then you have to do something with it randomly, so you cannot check if you got it right.
How do children in Ukraine learn their language? What do they start with and how is it build up over time?
Can anyone direct me to some resources that provide structure? Or exercises?
Many thanks!
Language pair: English; Ukrainian
July 14, 2015
# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 17, 2015
practice English
Hello!I learn can help me with spoken English.I can practice ukranian or russian.
Language pair: English; Ukrainian
Vika M.
March 25, 2014
# Msgs: 1
January 11, 2013
# Msgs: 1
Re:hi every one
Hi, Marialyka ! I could help you with ukrainian if it not too late to reply 3 months after you've posted your message
Language pair: English; Ukrainian
Alexander O.
June 16, 2012
# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 16, 2012
hi every one
hi i would like to learn Ukrainian. because i want to go to Ukraine because it is a beautiful country. i like to be a teacher so that i can teach the children a good values so that if they grow up they will become a good person. i hope you could help me to speak Ukrainian. than you...........
Language pair: English; Ukrainian
marialyka g.
January 11, 2012
# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 16, 2012
Ukrainian grammar required
Hello there! I want someone to help me to learn how to composse sentences and what special rules should I know about Ukrainian Grammar. Thanks! ;-)
Language pair: Ukrainian; English
Kapлoc &.
December 8, 2008
# Msgs: 1
Ïðèâ³ò Alex, Ñïàñèá³ çà âàøó äîáðîòó. Ìîÿ êîëèøíÿ ìîâà º ³ñïàíñüêà, à é ÿ âèâ÷èâ àíãë³éñüêèé òàêîæ. ß çàõî÷ó ìàíäðóâàòè â Óêðà¿íó, áåç çàëåæíî â³ä áóäü-ÿêîãî ïåðåêëàäà÷à. Ïîâàãà!
Language pair: Ukrainian; English
Kapлoc &.
November 29, 2008
# Msgs: 2
Latest: November 29, 2008
Re:Foreign Languages
Hi, I am from Turkey,i know very little russian because ý have got a from ukrain friend. kak dila? haraþo, etc.. but we can speak English. see you
Language pair: Ukrainian; Russian
September 24, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 24, 2006
Foreign Languages
Hi, my name is Sabina ,i am from Ukraine ,Kiev .i speak good English,and a bit German .ich möchte beide Fremdsprachen verbessern,als Gegenleistung kann ich Russisch und Ukrainisch Ihnen beibringen. regards Sabina
Language pair: Ukrainian; Russian
jadviga s.
September 18, 2006
# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 24, 2006