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Language > Catalan
Category > Sports

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how much language speak you?
i speak fench and spanich and i would like learn spanish
je parle francais et espagnol et je voudrais apprendre l'espagnol
hablo frances e ingles y quisiera aprender el idioma espanol

Language pair: French; Catalan
fresnedoso de ibor b.
February 20, 2009

# Msgs: 1

how much language speak you?
i speak fench and spanich and i would like learn spanish
je parle francais et espagnol et je voudrais apprendre l'espagnol
hablo frances e ingles y quisiera aprender el idioma espanol

Language pair: French; Catalan
fresnedoso de ibor b.
February 20, 2009

# Msgs: 8
Latest: September 16, 2011
do you speak spanish
do you want learn the language english?well but do you speak just french or spanish too?Because i speak franch after spanish en after english and i would like speak spanish do you understand me?

Language pair: French; Catalan
fresnedoso de ibor b.
February 20, 2009

# Msgs: 1

K-1 World Max
M'agradaria saber si a Noruega es segueix aquesta competició d'esports de contacte on els lluitadors mesclen estils com Muay Thai, Kick Boxing, Full Contact etc...

Language pair: Catalan; Norwegian
Marc R.
November 27, 2008

# Msgs: 1

Visca el Barça
FCB Barcelona is the best club of Europe, it's more than a club.
I think we will win the next Champions League.
Congratulations to Liverpool supporters.

Language pair: Catalan; Spanish
June 5, 2005

# Msgs: 1

Visca el Barça
FCB Barcelona is the best club of Europe, it's more than a club.
I think we will win the next Champions League.
Congratulations to Liverpool supporters.

Language pair: Catalan; Spanish
June 5, 2005

# Msgs: 1

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