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Language > Lithuanian
Category > Films/Movies

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To Thalyta: thanks, I just don't like sentimental movies... maybe there are some musicals or detective stories?
About lithuanian movies - some of the most famous are:
Dievø miðkas | Forest of the Gods (2005)
(but it may be quite depressing... )
Nuodëmës uþkalbëjimas | Whisper of Sin (2007)
Nereikalingi þmonës | Loss (2008)

Language pair: English; Lithuanian
January 4, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Lithuanian movies!
Hi, my name is Nils, I am trying to learn Lithuanian language! can anyone recommend any good movies for me to watch? preferably from Lithuania, not just filmed there :)

Language pair: English; Lithuanian
Nils J.
January 3, 2009

# Msgs: 1

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