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Making Friends - Hungarian girl looking for English speaking friends :) - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: Hungarian girl looking for English speaking friends :)

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# Message Posted By
Hungarian girl looking for English speaking friends :)
My name is Zsuzsi, I'm 17 years old. My native language is Hungarian. I learn English at school and I'd like to improve it, so I'd like to correspond with anyone who writes me :) I would also like to make new friends. I'm not a gold member, so I can't respond to any of your introductions, although I would love to :) I can help you with Hungarian. I'm looking for your e-mails. Zsuzsi

Language pair: Hungarian; English
January 30, 2007

Re:Hungarian girl looking for English speaking friends :)
Hi my name's Emily I'm 17 I live in the U.S. and speak English. I would love to write to you ! I'm not a goldmember either! :-(
*~Emily~* ^_^

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 100440
January 31, 2007

Re:Hungarian girl looking for English speaking friends :)
I am an 18yr old Australian boy learning Hungarian, I can help you with English and you can help me with Hungarian. My Skype is msea404.

Language pair: Hungarian; English
This is a reply to message # 100440
December 3, 2009


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