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Culture/History/Ethnology - Samurai today - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Samurai today

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# Message Posted By
Samurai today
Hiho guys!
I would like to know what the Japaneses today think about Samurai! Do they like them? Or disrespect they them? How influence the samurai the life today in Japan?
Your Kaktusqueen
(I would be very happy if someone could answer me because I really don't meet Japaneses in internet!)

Language pair: English; French
October 11, 2006

Re:Samurai today
Isn't anyone here who could help me?????????

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 91300
October 25, 2006

Re:Samurai today
Hello! I'm Japanese™

Where did you know about Samurai?
Now, there are any Samurai in Japan.
Samurai existed long long time ago.....
But we can see Samurai at the somewhere's festival, but their not real Samurai.

We can see Samurai on TV or movie, too.
Samurai dramas and Samurai movies are comparatively popular in Japan!!

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 91300
November 1, 2006

Re:Re:Samurai today
So there aren't any samurai any more : (

And what about the great-gerat-great children of the past samurai???

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 92981
November 3, 2006

Re:Re:Samurai today
What fascinatetes the Japaneses on Samurai? Exist some haters too? How are the series and films? I know much about Samurai-Manga and -anime, for example Inu Yasha, Vagabond and Kenshin. I studied nearly everything about them but I have problems to find japanese informations. I don't find, for example, japanese romans in the library (too expensive to buy!). I don't know what I should take as/like (?) oppinion about them.

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 92981
November 3, 2006

Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
Yes.There are any SAMURAI in Japan now.
SAMURAI is carrying the sword in TV or movie, but now in Japan, certainly the pearson who is carrying sword will be caught by the police......

There are many many descendant of SAMURAI, but their not SAMURAI.
One of the descendant of the famous SAMURAI is figure skater.

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 93136
November 6, 2006

Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
What fascinatetes the Japaneses on Samurai? Exist some haters too? How are the series and films? Why does the police catch people who wear swords?

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 93139
November 7, 2006

Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
What fascinatetes the Japaneses on Samurai? Exist some haters too? How are the series and films? Why does the police catch people who wear swords?
I have to write how the directors/writers show the Samurai of today. Unfortunately my PC can't read Kanji but I would be very lucky if you know some good adresses where I could read something about the image of the Samurai today (not about: "who are the samurai", please!)!
Your Kaktusqueen

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 93524
November 17, 2006

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
Do you think the Film- and Manga-Samurai are representated realistically? Or do you think that they don't have anything in common with the real Samurai?

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 94260
December 3, 2006

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
Meeen the samurais disapeared with the meijis era....the occidental people clear somepart of japannese culture, little by little, and when the wwII ends, the Great japan imperium become in a new country totaly diferent of the past.....

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 95488
January 16, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
Hi guys!
How does think the tenno about the Samurai???

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 93369
March 2, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
I'm sorry to disturb your hope. Buf there is not sumurai now. I dont know today how say it, but I think Sumurai are resembled a knight? and a samurai is a soldier and public employee at one time in Japan. Are you think now armor with swords men hang around?
And Tenno is not sumurai. Dictionary explanatory Tenno is the emperor

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 103373
March 3, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
Soyy, I misunderstood it. I think this comment mean "tenno is samura" I don't know how think tenno about samurai. but I think... Tenno didn't think a sumurai is special.

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 103462
March 4, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Samurai today
And what do the medias in Japan think about them? Do you have some statistics??? In 4 weeks, I will have my final exam about the Samurai in the Japanese Medias. I started in summer last year but I just found how long the japaneses wtch TV (3 hours) but no more stuff... :( And I had the impression to be good in making recherches at google... What a pitty...
Your sad Kaktusqueen

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 103530
March 9, 2007


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