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Seeking Partners - My Italian for your English - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: My Italian for your English

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My Italian for your English
I am an Italian girl of 31 years old. I would like to correspond with an English native speaker in order to improve my English (I am studying for British English examinations for foreign learners)
I will be really happy to teach you Italian.

Language pair: English; Italian
maria beatrice
March 7, 2007

Re:My Italian for your English
Hi, I'm an American living in California and would like to improve my Italian. I'm just a beginner. I'd be happy to let you practice your English with me. Of course, I don't speak English as the English but rather as Americans. You'd have to be patient with my Italian.

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 103784
March 13, 2007


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