Vacations/Travels - Puerto Rico - Language Exchange

Category: Vacations/Travels
Discussion: Puerto Rico

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# Message Posted By
Puerto Rico
Hola. Soy Meghan y soy de los Estados Unidos. Quiero viajar y tal vez vivir en Puerto Rico por un rato pero quiero saber si hay mucho racismo alli. Soy una negra y no quiero ir a un pais que tiene gente que me odia. Gracias.

Language pair: Spanish; English

March 9, 2007

Re:Puerto Rico
Hello megan i was wanting to know if you speak spanish i cant find anyone to teach me and i thought maybe you could if thats the language you spoke contact me on here so we can e-mail and become great friend i would would really like you to teach me whatever language you speak it does not half to be just thought i ask.Let me know any day Thank you!

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 104014
March 23, 2007

Re:Puerto Rico
Five seconds ago i sent you a message i looked at your name and saw i had spelled it wrong i feel so bad im really really sorry please dont be MAD!

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 104014
March 23, 2007

Re:Re:Puerto Rico
It's alright, people misspell and pronounce my name wrong all the time because of the "h". LOL. Anyway, spanish isn't my native language, I only know some. If you're a basic spanish student, then I could probably help you a lot, but if you know more than advanced then I probably won't be much help.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 105236

April 2, 2007

Re:Puerto Rico
Yestrday i sent you message and i think i might of done something wrong so i hope this is not the second message sorry if it is i will talk to you tomorrow on here so be ready bye.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 104014
April 5, 2007


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