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Making Friends - HI! I want to meet a good penpal friend~ - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: HI! I want to meet a good penpal friend~

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# Message Posted By
HI! I want to meet a good penpal friend~
I live in South Korea . I'm interested in different languages and cultures.^^ I met nice one Swedish and one American friend about 2 years ago here. and we still get in touch with on MSN. I hope to meet a penpal friend here again.^^ I like music,cooking, walking.
and I'm honest and like to person who is responsible for ourselves. hum,,, sounds serious? ^^ if you're interested in my friend, plz, reply ..have a nice day!!!

Language pair: English; French

April 11, 2007

Re:HI! I want to meet a good penpal friend~
Hi Shally cho.
I'm french and i'm interested about korean culture and language.
i also need to train my english as well.I don't know a lot of things about korean language but i think it's a good way to start learning ;) for all things you need to start one day .

I'm new on this website. If you want to know more about me, contact me, it will be a pleasure to answer ;=)

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 106631
April 11, 2007

Re:HI! I want to meet a good penpal friend~
hiii shally... this is shuhui here from singapore... i'm looking for a penpal from korea as well... jus wondering if we could be frenz? :)

Language pair: English; Korean
This is a reply to message # 106631

April 12, 2007


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