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Making Friends - del peru al mundo - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: del peru al mundo

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# Message Posted By
del peru al mundo
hola amigoss soy del peru , chef de profesion tengo 27 años y me encantaria aprender frances , italiano e ingles , tengo un nivel intermedio y me gustaria conocerlos , puedo ayudarlos a aprender el español que es mi mi idioma nativo y a conocer mas sobre este maravilloso pais como el peru ,estan invitados ,besos y cuidense

Language pair: English; French

April 16, 2007

Re:del peru al mundo
hello omar! i woul dlove to help if you have any questions about English or American culture, in exchange i'd appreciate it if you could help me with my spanish! i love that language - and to think that i used to speak it fluently once upon a time =X - so if you're interested just post back or contact me (that goes for anyone else that can help me with espanol!) please, gracias. =>

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 107061

April 18, 2007


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