Vacations/Travels - to improve my english - Language Exchange

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Discussion: to improve my english

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to improve my english
Hello!! My name is Blanca, I leave in Madrid and I´m 34 years old. I´m going to travel to Limerick on August, I would like to know people there. Also I would like to improve my english, I can to teach spanish,¿someone can i help me?


Language pair: English; Spanish

April 19, 2007

Re:to improve my english
Hola Blanca,
I am Sean and I am 17. I live in the US. I saw you wanted to learn English better and I would like to learn Spanish better. I have a little knowledge in the Spanish language and would like to learn more.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 107247
May 10, 2007


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