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Seeking Partners - Looking for Icelandic resources for begginners - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Looking for Icelandic resources for begginners

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Looking for Icelandic resources for begginners

my name is Diego (36 years old). I would like to begin to study Icelandic. Honestly, I am a absolutely beginner. I have basic knowlegde of Swedish but as I could check there are some many differences between them.

As you can check I can speak English ,enough for ordering a beer, food and accomodation around the world (;P) and Spanish, sorry I didn't tell you, I am spanish and live in Spain (now in Madrid)

I can undertand Portuguese (no very complicate for a Spanish) and now I am 'aproaching' to French and Italian languages (when I have free time).

Any resource will be wellcommed.

Thanks. Gracias. Obrigado. Tack. Merci. Grazie. Xie Xie (mandarin, (;P).

Language pair: Icelandic; Spanish

April 23, 2007


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