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Culture/History/Ethnology - When is English taught in others countries - Language Exchange

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Discussion: When is English taught in others countries

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When is English taught in others countries
I'm curious as to when English is first taught in schools in countries other than the United States. I hope a lot of countries respond.

Language pair: English; All
February 28, 2007

Re:When is English taught in others countries
Take it from Celtic's mouth, Tim! They're right!! But in all countries where English is spoken as a 2nd language and used quite widely, they get taught when they first start at school. And quite basic for conversational stuff in 'social ways'[but a bit more than when we want to learn another language]. It's only at the start of 'that time' is when they first get taught!! For example; most European countries[except "land-locked" ones, get taught English when they first start school!] and in the Pacific and Asian regions. Same goes for Latin American countries as well! Take care. ;-p

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 103235

April 24, 2007

Re:When is English taught in others countries
I’m Spanish. When I was in school, English was taught when you reached third grade (students were 8 year olds).

Nowadays they've changed (again) our educational law -or are in the process of doing so- and they want to start teaching it when children start kindergarten (4 year olds).

The thing is, it’s not really important when you start studying but how, as many of my classmates can’t really communicate in English… thanks to the methodology employed.

Nonetheless I’m also curious about how’s it in the rest of countries.

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 103235
April 25, 2007

Re:Re:When is English taught in others countries
Hola Cantarella!

¿Cómo estás? ¿Donde estas en España? ¿Cuantos tienes? Soy de Australiano, de vivo en Sydney. Yo estudies en Español 3 a noche, dos noches per semana! Lo siento... if my Spanish is not very good, but I try. I have a few friends that are from Latin America whom are from Spanish-speaking countries! If u want to exchange cultures/customs, I'd be too glad too help! My MSN is: indyvader Gracias...chao...adios ¡Cuidate!

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 107767

April 30, 2007

Re:Re:Re:When is English taught in others countries

Pues vivo en Valencia y nací en el 87. No utilizo messenger casi, así que preferiría intecambiar e-mails. Si te interesa, ya me dices. Sé bien poco de Australia. xD


Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 108114
May 1, 2007

Re:Re:When is English taught in others countries
Hola Cantarella!
Cómo lo va con el francés en la escuela espanola? Aquí tenemos la posibilidad de commencar premiero con una otra lenuga, como por ejemplo con el francés y despues de estudiar el inglés, pero cuando podeís empezar una otra lengua?
Cuánto cuestan los mangas en Espana?
Your Kaktusqueen

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 107767
May 3, 2007

Re:Re:Re:When is English taught in others countries

Hola Kaktusqueen,

Aquí en España puedes empezar a estudiar otra lengua (en horario lectivo) cuando empiezas secundaria (primero de ESO), es decir al rededor de los 11 años. La lengua que se estudie dependerá del colegio / instituto al que se atiende, por ejemplo, en el mío además del francés, sólo había inglés.

>>Cuánto cuestan los mangas en Espana?<<
Depende de la editorial, pero al rededor de 9 euros.


Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 108376
May 4, 2007

Re:Re:Re:Re:When is English taught in others countries
Hola Cantarella!
9 Euros! Oye, que horror!!! En Alemana casi todo cuesta 5 o 6!

Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 108482
May 10, 2007


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