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Music/Dance - I like alot of stuff - Language Exchange

Category: Music/Dance
Discussion: I like alot of stuff

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I like alot of stuff
I like alot of stuff but im very particular about music and muic instruments.

I play a litle guitar just started and im pretty good. I like rockin roll alot. But i am really fascinated by japanese music also i like it alot but i canno find alot of it since i live in usa.

I would like to learn japanese but i cant search for people because i dont have gold member card yet so..=[

I can teach people about gguitar too. I know eerything i just need to learn how to play it with the fingers.

Language pair: English; All

June 9, 2007

Re:I like alot of stuff
Hey, i saw you like japanese music, if you want i have many songs of it and i can give it to you.

What bands do you like ?

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 111393
June 13, 2007


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