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Culture/History/Ethnology - Chinese postgraduate student studying in UK - Language Exchange

Category: Culture/History/Ethnology
Discussion: Chinese postgraduate student studying in UK

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# Message Posted By
Chinese postgraduate student studying in UK
Hi everyone! I am a 23-year Chinese postgraduate student studying at University of East Anglia in Norwich,England. You may thought I have been Americanized or globalized in such an age but it is not sure. I come from a very traditional Chinese family, my father is a professor who teaching Chinese and my Mum is a French translator, so I think I can represent Chinese culture and understand western culture at the same time. Unfortunately, my English is not so good as you thought,so, I just want to looking for someone helps me to improve my English,and who is interested in Chinese everything, maybe we can work together and enjoy together!

Language pair: Chinese, Mandarin; English

August 17, 2007


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