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Music/Dance - I want to be able to understand the music I like. - Language Exchange

Category: Music/Dance
Discussion: I want to be able to understand the music I like.

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# Message Posted By
I want to be able to understand the music I like.
I speak English but a lot of songs I like are in German, I'm about 70% German and sometimes find myself instintively speaking a few random words in German and would love to improve my skills.

I also really want to learn Swedish so I can visit and see the music scene in it's homeland.

Language pair: English; All
August 23, 2007

Re:I want to be able to understand the music I like.
Hi! I am Kirsten from Germany and I would really like to talk to you. If you want the same, you can contact me. See you then.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 116703
September 22, 2007


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